
Oct 17, 2010, 10:51 PM
Post #2 of 12
chipset;.... You ex car mechanics are all the same ......... .... Now you work on computer monitors ????... ... OK..... ... Caps. are drying out in the Yoke curcuit. NOOooo , sorry...Yoke circuit sounds fine..... Do you know where the Vertical output IC is on the chassis ??? IF so post the name of it.... IF you can see it.... You have a bad cap in that circuit... Not hard to find & pinpoint.... Cheap repair.... Could NOT locate a free service manual to download... The cap could be a 1~4.7 mfd to a 220 mfd cap... Please do not get rambunctious & start wildly checking parts... There is a proven method to nail this.... Do you have a ESR meter ???? Do you have/can get any electronic freeze spray ??? Not a requirement , but can make things easier.... TV loosing vertical. Upper half stretched up and lower half OK. Need to clarify...If you are losing vertical , pix will be black (shrunk) at top &/or folded over on itself... IF upper half is stretched up , that's a different deal , but , still a vertical output problem.... Which is it ???? Post back & we go from there....OK....THANKS.... .... BTW;...Does the name "chipset" have anything to do with RCA products ???? Later....Ron.M.... ..... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Oct 17, 2010, 10:53 PM)