New User
Oct 16, 2013, 6:16 PM
Post #1 of 9
Hello my lcd 26 inches samsung LE26S81B from september 2007 whistles when i watch tv with my dvb channels recepter, it doesnt do any sound when the dvb recepter is off but the tv is on its input (by that i mean on the channel corresponding to the device)its connected with hdmi, for my ps3 when tv input is on it (hdmi 1) it does whistle and whistle more when ps3 is on. when my macbook is linked to the tv via hdmi, it doesnt whistle weither the computer is on or off and the tv input is on the computer. for a dvd player with the scart connector,it whistles when on or off..... the sound comes from both speakers apparently. today the tv started smelling like burned plastic. someone knows what it can be ? i tried unpluging external speakers, a lot of cable combos, still same problem.
(This post was edited by thesurfer68 on Oct 16, 2013, 6:32 PM)