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Jun 13, 2005, 9:13 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: [v8s10350] vert. caps identification
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Is the TV a Funai made TV (which I suspect)? or is it a Magnavox made Sylvania. If it is newer than 99 more than likely it is funai, bad caps on something this new are pretty rare. Re tack the vertical IC, and all of the caps, and might as well re solder the tuner, look for caps that have a bulged top, as you will see the solder was kept to a minimum during fab lots of weak joints that fail. Funny thing is on most brands I can trouble shoot bad solders by hitting the back, sides or bottom of the TV, these Funai tv's seem immune to this rather crude method. I just repaired an SSC 191, a 19 in TV VCR Combo from late 2003, Generally these Sylvania / symphonic / orion / funai / emerson sets stink, and getting a universal to control the combos from these companies is next to impossible, well all the features anyway. This set however is a joy to work on, flyback is on its own PCB mounted to the side of the cabinet, seperate from the chassis. I pulled the chassis and found a couple of bad solder joints, and a ton of questionable ones, so spent some time going over most everything, worked like new. I see a lot of blown fuses on these sets (this was not one of them) and most of the time a new fuse takes care of the set, you can also go a 1/4 or 1/2 amp higher on the fuse, but that is at your own risk. Generally the Funai brands are fubar and should be avoided. As a sidebar, the Funai DVD VCR combos are of extremely low quality and fail just outside the 1 year mark outside of warranty.