Jul 12, 2007, 11:37 AM
Views: 1387
Re: [RetiredTVguy2] tuner
Ok I dont know what happened to my reply but here it is again, the first box is an isolator as I suspected, the other box is the tuner, (dont forget to unplug the set) first try soldering the pins and the chassis pins (may look like tabs) to the circuit board, DO NOT solder any pins that dont already have solder on them, they probably dont even connect to a trace. Use fresh solder you may even want to desolder the old solder out, do you have desoldering braid? If not dont worry about it just solder the pins. Then see if the set works. If not then you will have to do what I said earlier, remove the tuner and solder inside. Let us know hoe it went. Good luck ---------------------------------------------------------- When everyone treats you bad, turn to your dog, he or she will understand! ----------------------------------------------------------- I dont mind working, as long as it doesn't interfere with fishing!