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Apr 20, 2007, 5:10 PM
Post #2 of 6
Re: [mikemetzger] (((leaking Coolant!!!!)))
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A coolant leak is usually not a simple fix. When this coolant (Ethylene Glycol) comes in contact with a powered board it shorts out components real quick. And when this happens other supporting components will stress or fail soon after. If not quickly and properly cleaned the board where this got on soon turns into a huge resistor that can never be fixed. Many times the best bet would be to replace the board the contamination happened too. Because of the nature of this coolant it leaks under Ic’s and get into coils and changes the values of caps and resistors over time and this leads to failures on the board over time. Coolant leaks by some techs are looked at like a lighting strike, you may fix the problem for awhile but about halve the time the set will need further repairs. Some lucky few have cleaned the board and fixed the leak and have to further problems, then there’s the others that they cleaned the board, fixed the leak and had the TV burn there house down Gota ask youreself do ya feel lucky, the main power board you list has a part number of 935C824002 and lists on Mitshubishis site as no longer avalible, might try www.ptscorp.com to see if they have a replacment Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.
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New User
Apr 21, 2007, 7:43 AM
Post #3 of 6
Re: [mikemaiertv] (((leaking Coolant!!!!)))
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Thank you so much, awesome to finally get some info on from an educated person. I most deffinitly feel lucky, since i am too poor right now to feel other wise lol. I am 100 percent certain i can fix this myself, but where to i start? CRT removal/ replace gasket, or remove board and fix damaged parts??? Thanks Mike Bigger is Always better !!!!!!!!
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New User
Apr 21, 2007, 9:34 PM
Post #4 of 6
Re: [mikemetzger] (((leaking Coolant!!!!)))
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Here are the damaged parts. What do ya think ?????? Also, the second picture is of a connector that seems to have green corrosion on it. I am not sure if this is normal after time, or if these parts also need replacing?? Thanks, Mike Bigger is Always better !!!!!!!!
tv repair.jpg
(1.59 MB)
tv repair two.jpg
(1.37 MB)
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Jun 19, 2007, 6:16 PM
Post #5 of 6
Re: [mikemetzger] (((leaking Coolant!!!!)))
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I have a 1999 Mitsubishi VS-50803. It resently had a coolant leak, and the coolant dripping onto the power board blew some parts. I need some help. How hard is it to fix, and how do you replace a gasket on a CRT?? Also where/how do i find what parts i need to order, i know what parts are damaged, but how do i get the order numbers for them? I know what they are labled on the board, but not what their order numbers are. I will listen to any advice, except to trash it. So please help me out!!! Thanks, Mike
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Jun 19, 2007, 10:02 PM
Post #6 of 6
Re: [mikemetzger] (((leaking Coolant!!!!)))
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Mike, The Mitsubishi sets do not use Ethylene Glycol in the CRT assemblies, thay use a Silicone Gel. If you seperate the CRT from the lens assembly you will destroy the CRT. If you repair the damage to the circuit board you need to install a plastic shield under the CRTs to protect the boards from any possible leaks in the furture. The CRT normally is not affected by the leakage and should operate ok.
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