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Jan 21, 2006, 4:07 PM
Post #3 of 5
Re: [mikemaiertv] RCA D52W19YX1 Convergence problems
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We are having a convergance problem after changing out the coolant in all three CRT's. I read posts to focus the CRT's once we were finished but we don't know how or what this entails. We ran the convergance program on the tv, it gives an option to adjust a white cross and move the red and blue fringe into the white cross, however there is a green line or fringe as they call it and there is no option to move it in the menu. I posted pics and info in the changing coolant section of the Rear Projection TV forum. We have a magnavox. Can you send me anything to go by to adjust the TV or is this something we have to call a technician for? dwilliams309@comcast.net We have a much better picture since we changed the coolant ourselves, just need to tweek the focus or convergance issues we are having. When words show on the screen we see several colors or ghosts of the letters in red and green. Thanks! Dana