New User
May 23, 2015, 4:23 AM
Post #6 of 13
Re: [Ron.M] replacing back light
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I WILL NOT edit my post and furthermore you can banish me until the cows come home. I couldn't care less because of some stupid silly answers I am getting. I would think that if jts1957 was as smart as you say he is he would be smart enough to recognize that there was a greenie (newbee) on the other end and would take that in consideration when responding to a question. He could ask in a way that I would be very happy to give him any information that he needed to fulfill my question. But no, he comes back with some silly ass reply. No help to anyone. In conclusion, I have come to the realization that you, Ron, and jts1957 are bar room buddies and you will defend him until the end. No questions asked. Oh, by the way, you said to me, "You seem to need some anger management therapy.. I suggest you do so... " Well let be tell you that I just got cleared by the institution and have a letter that says my anger was ok. Do you have a letter? Au revoir, adiós, 再見, and До свидания. Also, say hi to your Mother.