New User
Jan 5, 2006, 7:37 PM
Post #1 of 2
Greetings everyone. I stumbled across this group by accident and have spent some time reading through the various topics, trying to "bone up" on my Plasma knowledge. Here's my situation. We are building a new house and will be in in mid-March. We have the pre-wire in place for a great HT set-up, and have room for a wall mount above the fireplace for a 42-43" screen. I'm just starting to look at sets now,but admitedly have very little knowledge on the specifics I should be looking for or asking about. I absolutely LOVE Pioneer products, so I've been naturally leaning towards those sets. Price range can be anywhere from $2500-4000 (despite what the wife may say). Basically I'm looking for input from you folks in the know as to what I should be asking, or looking for in a set. We'll probably end up with digital cable as well, since their pricing is competitive with Satellite in our area. Of course, if I haven't given you enough to go on with this info just lt me know what else you need to know. Thanks in advance for any help/insight you all can provide. I'm excited to begin this process but recognize that this is NOT a purchase to rush out and buy on emotions!