May 12, 2006, 10:04 PM
Post #2 of 2
Lets attack this from a few angles, If the set did this real suddenly it may simple have a component on the crt driver board fail, if slow maybe the tube craped out, Does the set have squiggle or zigzag lines in the blue? This called retrace, could mean the tubes bad, does turning down the screens improve this at all, can you swap the red crt board with the green and see if the problem moves to the green, if so then it’s a component fail if not the crt is bad. But with no video I suspect a bad CRT. Now here’s the problem, many manufacture only stock replacement parts for 8 years, but maybe this CRT crosses to another one that is still in production somewhere. Then the final question at 25 years old what else is going to fail, Capacitors dry out with age as well as usage. Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.