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Jan 2, 2005, 3:46 AM
Post #1 of 1
Convergece problem!
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Hello, this looks like a great side. I have a sony rear projector kp46s55, a few weeks ago i had a convergece problem, i changed the fuse F902 (fuse open) and the stk4278, everything works normally again, at least for 3 or 4 weeks, now i have the same problem , well, the problem is not so serious this time, is less than the first time, but still is a convergence problem! I changed the stk once more, but in this time doesnt work, the imagen is the same, thats mean, the stk (bouth) are in a good shape(the first that i changed), so I thought some resistors are damaged, i already checked the "D"board and everything looks ok, also l checked the "G" board too. So I dont know what else I can do!!!! Any help I'll really appreciate, thanks!