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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: Projection TV Forum:
Image Problems



New User

Dec 21, 2011, 1:52 AM

Post #1 of 10 (3419 views)
Image Problems Can't Post

The TV that I am discussing is a used 55 inch Philips Rear Projection. I had to change the coolant on the blue and green tubs when I first received the TV (Thanks to Ron.M for helping me).

When using the Multi-Point Convergence on the blue, the farther the blue arrows are
from the center of the screen, the fuzzier and more lopsided they become.

When I use the PS3 or 360 with component cables in 1080i, the colors are not aligned on the screen. The TV does not support 720i/p or 1080p.

When I set the settings to 480p, the image is not centered. It is as if the center of the image has been placed a couple of inches below the center of the screen.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing the problems and how I can fix them?


Dec 21, 2011, 9:50 PM

Post #2 of 10 (3407 views)
Re: [DarkXPSX] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post


(Philips 55PW9363)

Well , lets see what I can do to help you out again....
How are you & your family doing since the hurricane ???
Need ALL below questions answered....NO excuses !!!
On regular TV channels;=>...
1)....When the menu is on screen , are all the colors where they should be ???
2)...Is the convergence good ALL over the screen ??
3)...How does the focus look on ALL the colors ???
Especially the blue....
That can be checked by looking directly into the lens of each CRT...
Also check each onscreen...
4)...Did you find the DPTV number I asked you for a century ago ??? <<EDIT:...Cancel ...Do not need , found the manual....
5)...Can you take & post pix if needed ???
6)...Do you have or know someone who has a "Crosshatch Generator ???
7)...If not , do you get the TV show "Jeopardy" in your area ???
8)....How did you handle this;=>...

I do believe that I will have to repace the Convex Lens (I believe that is what it was called.) for both the green and blue. There was something on the lens that did not want to come off and I was afraid to use anything that might scratch the lens.


When I set the settings to 480p, the image is not centered. It is as if the center of the image has been placed a couple of inches below the center of the screen.

10)...Is the pix off-center in any of the other settings ???
11)...Is the menu in the right place ???

I hope I did not swamp you with all that....Unsure...


Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Dec 21, 2011, 11:22 PM)

New User

Dec 23, 2011, 9:32 AM

Post #3 of 10 (3397 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post

If you don't mind, give me a few days and I should be able to answer your questions. Things are getting crazy at work and my next day off is not until the 25th.

As for the question about the hurricane, all is good. There was very little damage. Thanks for asking. =)


Dec 23, 2011, 6:26 PM

Post #4 of 10 (3393 views)
Re: [DarkXPSX] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post


No problem...Take whatever time you need....

I wish you & your loved ones a HAPPY Holiday Season & A HAPPY , HEALTHY , PROSPEROUS & SAFE New Year....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Jan 11, 2012, 7:44 AM

Post #5 of 10 (3340 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post

Sorry it took me so long. Between work, the gym, and the people around me harassing with everything, I haven't had the time to sit down and answer the questions.

The holidays were great. I got a Kindle Fire as a Christmas gift....and bricked it the same day. lol How did the holidays go for you?

The model number for the TV that you have is correct.

As a side note, I am using a Digital Converter Box through a coaxial cable since the TV does not have a built in Digital Tuner.

1 - The colors look as though they are aligned perfectly in the menu.

2 - When using multi-point convergence, the cross-hairs seemed to be aligned but they are a bit fuzzy which makes it hard to converge them properly. As for watching TV, the colors look fine.

3 - The image does look fuzzy when watching a TV station, but not too bad.
- Looking directly through the lens:
Blue: A bit fuzzy. It looks like their is some gunk on the other side. I am assuming it is the gunk that was on the Convex Lens (That should answer part of question 11).
Green and Red: They look slightly fuzzy, but I believe it is because of the connection. They are not as fuzzy as the blue lens.
-Through the Screen:
Blue: Quite fuzzy.
Red and Green: Slightly fuzzy. Once again, I believe it is just the connection.

4 - Yes sir.

5 - I can take pictures with my cell phone. If you want, I can borrow a digital camera from someone to take the pictures and upload them.

6 - I do not own nor do I know anyone that owns a crosshatch generator. Should I look around the web for one?

7 - Yes, I can get Jeopardy. Only on Tuesday though...I work during the other days that it plays.

8 - I have not cleaned the lens yet or tried to replace it. Wound it be fine to remove the filler plug, drain the coolant into a container and reuse the coolant after cleaning the lens or will I have to get more coolant?

9 - ...

10 - No matter what connection I am using (Coaxial, A/V, or Component), the image is always off center.

11 - The menu is also off center.

Another side note. When using the multi-convergence for both blue and red, the cross-hairs on the bottom of the screen are cut off. The cross-hairs on the bottom and the top of the screen are not aligned across the screen evenly. It is as if they are curving towards the center of the screen.


Jan 11, 2012, 7:11 PM

Post #6 of 10 (3336 views)
Re: [DarkXPSX] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post


THANK you for that detailed & very informative reply....Smile...

Very nice holiday , THANK you....

and bricked it the same day.

What does that mean ???..."Bricked it ???

It appears that you may have 2 + problems with the TV....
Did the TV have these problems before you changed the coolant ???
Did these problems show up immediately after you changed the coolant ???
When you changed the coolant , did you remove each lens & clean them & the face of each CRT ???
EDIT;... Excludes the red CRT...
99% of the time the red CRT coolant is OK...

When you say the pix "looks fuzzy" , could that mean "blurry" ???

Wound it be fine to remove the filler plug, drain the coolant into a container and reuse the coolant after cleaning the lens or will I have to get more coolant?

You will have to determine that yourself...
When you drain the coolant , it MUST be PERFECTLY CLEAR with NO particles or ANYTHING that looks foreign to the coolant..
IF it is NOT PERFECTLY clear , I recommend you replace it...

To clarify this;=>...

3)...How does the focus look on ALL the colors ???
Especially the blue....
That can be checked by looking directly into the lens of each CRT...

I should have said to see how the pix looks on the face of the CRT...
The pix should be clear & IN FOCUS on ALL 3 CRTs...
Please check this again & post results....THANKS...

Concerning Jeopardy;...
IF you are able to watch the show , see how square the "question" board looks...
That's the board they show at the beginning of the show & show each rows category of questions....

Hold off on the crosshatch generator for now...

A digital camera would be better , also hold off on that...
May need pix later...

I have not cleaned the lens yet or tried to replace it.

Any attempt to correct the problem(s) with the TV will have to be done after you take care of this first...
Sorry , but the adjustments needed could be compromised during the lens cleaning/replacement...

The menu is also off center.
When using the multi-convergence for both blue and red, the cross-hairs on the bottom of the screen are cut off. The cross-hairs on the bottom and the top of the screen are not aligned across the screen evenly. It is as if they are curving towards the center of the screen.

The menu + is most likely adjustments that need to be done....
The crosshair situation could've been done by you trying to compensate for the other situation...

That's it for now...
Please post back with info....THANKS...Smile....

Have a GREAT day & week....Sly.....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Jan 11, 2012, 8:34 PM)

New User

Jan 18, 2012, 7:09 AM

Post #7 of 10 (3321 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post

You are welcome sir.

Definition of "Bricked" provided by Urban Dictionary:
Usually the result of tampering with the insides and doing irreversible damage. Bricking your hardware leaves you with a new paperweight. Can be the end effect of a faulty flash or firmware update, a modification (mod) gone bad or being struck by lighting, to name a few.

I changed the Read/Write access to a system folder while trying to install the Android Market. I did not change the settings back before resetting the Fire. When the system would try to reboot, it would tell me that it had to format the App Folder (If I am correct, that is what it said) then restart. I would clear the folder, restart, and tell you, once again, that it had to format the App folder. It was an endless loop. I had two options:

1 - Get/Create a factory Mini-B cable to load the device into recovery mode and fix the problem.
2 - Return the device and get another one.

I choose option 2 due to the fact that I did not want to wait to get the cable or the parts to make the cable in the mail. So I exchanged it for a Nook Tablet, which has twice the space, a MicroSD slot, a better screen (Supposedly), and longer lasting battery for $50 extra. I ended up exchanging to for another Nook Tablet last night due to the fact the screen stopped working...which probably had to do with me dropping it a couple I have a new one and a case for it that should protect it well if I drop it anymore. lol Though I do need to root it and install the Android Market on it. I have to wait Windows XP computer will not copy the Apps to the system, but my Windows 7 computer will...but my brother has it. It is a very good thing that I have a lot of patience. lol

So...Back to the original topic...

I do not remember if the TV had the problems before I changed the coolant. I rarely used it at the time. It was also hard to notice the problems due to the fact that I never tried using component cables until a couple months after fixing the TV.

Yes, I did clean the lens, the casing, and the CRT with LCD cleaner and a micro fiber cloth.

Yes, blurry.

When looking through the lens at the CRT, the image on the blue CRT is blurry as if it is out of focus. I have tried adjusting the nob that adjusts the focus of the Blue CRT, but no matter how I adjust it, the image is blurry.

If I remember, I will take the CRT out before going to bed to drain and take apart tomorrow night to clean the lens. I just have to remember to pick up some Windex.

As for the Jeopardy game, would it work with a recording, or would a still image that represents the Jeopardy game work?


Jan 18, 2012, 6:52 PM

Post #8 of 10 (3315 views)
Re: [DarkXPSX] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post


Once again , THANK you for that detailed & very informative reply....Smile...
Thanks for the "brick" explanation...Wink...

Yes, I did clean the lens, the casing, and the CRT with LCD cleaner and a micro fiber cloth.

This may have caused a problem...
LCD/LED cleaner could cause damage to the lenses...
The micro fiber cloth could have put micro scratches in the lenses causing a dull out of focus appearance in the pix...
The lenses are made from clear acrylic plastic that can be easily scratched..
Next time use Windex & a clean T-shirt or clean cotton diaper...
When you do the blue lens , check for "micro" scratches on the surface...

When looking through the lens at the CRT, the image on the blue CRT is blurry as if it is out of focus. I have tried adjusting the nob that adjusts the focus of the Blue CRT, but no matter how I adjust it, the image is blurry.

How do the red & green pix look ???
What nob (knob?) did you try & adjust the focus with ???
Where is it located ???

As for the Jeopardy game, would it work with a recording, or would a still image that represents the Jeopardy game work?

Either way is OK...
What we're looking for here is an image of the "game board" (the one with the catagories & "answers" on it) that is square onscreen...
This "board" is shown at the begining of the show (& during the course of the game) when Trebek gives the catagories for each row...

Have a GREAT day & week...Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Jan 28, 2012, 3:53 AM

Post #9 of 10 (3274 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post

I am typing this from My mobile, so please bear with me.

The blue convex lens does have a few scratches on it, so I need to replace that. I have tried searching for the parts online using my phone with no luck. When I get a chance I will search for the lens on my PC.

One thing I noticed when taking the tube/lens apart is that the top of the tube has a brownish square on it.

The knobs that I was refering to are on a box below the green tube. It has six knobs total. Two for each color. One set seems to adjust the brightness while the other adjusts the focus.


Jan 28, 2012, 8:36 PM

Post #10 of 10 (3265 views)
Re: [DarkXPSX] Image Problems [In reply to] Can't Post



One thing I noticed when taking the tube/lens apart is that the top of the tube has a brownish square on it.

That square is from normal use over the years....
It is phosphor wear & could be called age induced burn-in...
NOT a problem as you won't see it in the pix....

One set seems to adjust the brightness while the other adjusts the focus.

The "brightness" is actually "G2" or screen voltage...
Focus = focus....No surprise....
Did you try to adjust this one ????
For any/all colors ????
Did you see any change or results ???

I may have found the part number for the blue convex lens....

"3135 034 00721" on Google listings has been discontinued....Unsure....
No help at eBay either....
Looks like a scavenger hunt is in your future...Wink...
Depending on how bad those scratches are , they may not be a problem...

GOOD LUCK with your search....

Veteran & Retired TV technician


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