May 17, 2011, 7:06 PM
Post #9 of 30
Re: [Ron.M] Panasonic PT-51HX41E issues
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likeadodachacha;.... Got the manual....Took 30~45 mins to download... The first thing we/you need to do is remove the front screen assembly... Start by removing the right & left side speaker grille covers.... They should be held on by velcro pads & should just pop off... Use CARE.... That leaves the center front cover.... That has 4 screws... Remove the 4 screws.... Set the cover aside... Now there are 2 screws holding the keyboard... One on each side... Remove those 2 & let the keyboard gently hang down... Then you have the 51" screen to remove... According to the manual , there's a screw on the bottom far right side & one on the bottom far left side that has to be removed... After you get those 2 screws out be careful as the screen is now free... Now the manual does NOT show how to remove the unattached screen from the cabinet... Try to gently lift straight up the screen assembly from the bottom holding on to the sides... It may just slide up & off... The other way would be to pull gently from the bottom away from the cabinet & swing it out & up & off... Again use CARE & hold it so you do NOT lose control & break it.... After you get the screen off the cabinet , set it aside lean it up against a wall so it is in a safe location in a safe position... Remember how it came off so you can put it back on without any glitches... Now turn the TV on... Have the DVD player hooked up & on... You are going to look down into each CRT for a pix.... The CRTs WILL be bright... First look into the red CRT ..... Kinda creep up on it & allow time for your eyes to adjust to the brightness.... Notice how bright & clear the pix is..... Now go to the green CRT & check the pix there.... That one should also be bright & clear... Now check the blue CRT... In that one you should see a pix , but it should be blurry... Now here's the problem... There are 2 reasons for that pix being blurry.. One is the focus is out...(Adjustment usually takes care of that)..... The other is bad CRT coolant.... Somehow you are going to have to figure out IF it is vthe coolant OR an adjustment... FYI;... ALL CRT projection TVs have CRT coolant... It is used to keep the CRTs from cracking the faceglass because of excessive heat that builds up while its on... It is in between the CRT face & the lens in a compartment... Over time on some brands this coolant was contaminated during manufacture & became cloudy.... You will need to determine whether the bad blue pix is ON the CRT face OR is due to bad coolant... Without seeing it , it's impossible for me to say.... There's no pix yet that I've seen here that conclusively proves one way or the other the CRT coolant is good or bad... They just don't come out clear enough to determine.... Your call.... Post results.... WARNING !!!! While I was preparing this post I noticed you jumped the gun.... I do not tolerate that well especially since you did the WRONG thing... Put the back cover BACK ON !!!! We are going to do things from the front... PLEASE follow my suggestions & instructions TO the letter OR you can mess up the TV & ME !!!! IF you do not understand my instructions STOP , POST & I WILL reply ASAP... Be patient & we'll git er dun rite !!!....... Remember , HASTE MAKES WASTE !!!! Later...Ron.M.... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on May 17, 2011, 7:08 PM)