Feb 4, 2005, 9:28 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: [kjreinkens] Sony KP60V15 Blinking
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This set basicaly monters what is known as the 200 volt line and a line called ABL. something is draging one of these down, could simply be set wronr from the screen controls or a driver Ic on one of the CRT boards is week. Or the real bad thing a CRT is week and needs replaced. Afraid all these thing need a service manual and several pieces of test equip to locate and adjust, this one sould have a qualified tech look at it....... Now when someone post the fix of "just open up the front of your set, find six controls on a box thingy and turn them down" with your problem this will cause more damage than good, Whats going on is the ABL line is doing its job and blanking the video before somthing bad happens Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.