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Mar 10, 2010, 2:12 PM
Post #1 of 1
Thomson ICC21 Chassis
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Hi there. My name is John Mathias. I am a retired TV engineer. Have a problem with my own set , Thomson ICC21 61" rear projector. Fault is :- Set won't start. Red led in on/off switch pulses 3-3 times after going amber for a second after switch on. There was no cracking or noises when it failed , it just did’nt come on one day. Checked Line output transistor & surrounding Components. I find the standby PSU is running ok. I found that CP150 (+6 volt reservoir) had very high ESR so replaced it with 2,200UF 25 volt cap. When I disconnected the LOTX & connected 40 watt lamp across USYS output of SMPSU this supply comes on for a few seconds then powers down. I suspect that the SMPSU is going into protection mode. I have replaced the Line output transformer & Field output IC , TDA8177. Not yet connected the EHT & focus leads from the new LOTX to isolate the HV & Focus blocks from suspicion. Still remains with the same fault. Does anyone know what the fault code 3-3 means? I have the circuit diagram but no other service data. Can anyone tell me how to find out why it’s going into protection mode. HELP will be much appreciated PLEASE. . 01656724224 / 077511473566 the_teleman@btopenworld.com John Mathias