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Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need?



New User

Feb 3, 2009, 2:43 AM

Post #1 of 13 (3211 views)
Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? Can't Post

Here's my nightmare :
I bought this tv about 5 months ago :
It's a LCD 47' Olevia.
After 1 week, I started having sound issues (no sound at all unless I opened and closed the tv about 50 times).
And after 3 weeks, I turn it on and it shut off after .2 sec. Then I saw/smell smoke coming out of the back. From then I haven't been able to do anything with it (power supply right?)

The TV is supposed to be warantied for 3 years. I've been calling those fuckers (olevia) for 3 months every 2 days or so and they never wanted to honor their warranty saying they were out of this model in canada or the canadian label printing macine was broken or other ridiculous bs.
Then a couple of weeks ago they went bankrupt. So basicly I've had this huge ass (170lbs) broken tv sitting in my living room for about 4 months now.

I want to try to repair it myself...
I'm thinking about buying this :
I own an informatic company and I've built >100 pcs so I know my way around... but I've never touched a TV. Do you think replacing this part would be too complicated? Do you think there are strong chances it's the power supply and that changing it would do the trick?

BTW, the TV was plugged directly to the wall! If it may help you pinpoint the faulty piece...


(This post was edited by Malkavian on Feb 3, 2009, 2:45 AM)


Feb 3, 2009, 9:58 AM

Post #2 of 13 (3203 views)
Re: [Malkavian] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

It is a cheap Chinese TV, sold at a cost below what was viable. Now the company is bust. Dont waste your time, Sure there may be a cap in the supply exploded becaus it was under rated, but these are the issues this thing will do to you for as long as you have it. Do you really want to enter the path of this thing driving you crazy or do you want to stop now, lick your wounds , learn a little and move on. Rob.

New User

Feb 3, 2009, 1:48 PM

Post #3 of 13 (3202 views)
Re: [rrobor] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

Look, I paid 1500$ for this TV. I'm certainly not going to get rid of it just like that.
Just because you don't know the model doesn't mean it's shit!

Olevia was an AMERICAN company. And the TV received high praised from every buyers / reviewers. I just happened to be the unlucky 1/100000000 guy.

Now please could I get some real advices?


Feb 3, 2009, 8:46 PM

Post #4 of 13 (3195 views)
Re: [Malkavian] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

high praise from buyers does not make it good,it just means the one they have has not gone wrong yet. Chinese crap is a big problem in this trade,no spares,no service manuals etc etc. It may have a brand name you like but inside is the cheapest chassis that manufacturer can find anywhere in the world. have you looked to see where the smoke is coming from? if its a capacitor then the value is written on the side, but basically rrobor is correct,you will probably have to cut your losses and buy panasonic in future.


Feb 3, 2009, 11:01 PM

Post #5 of 13 (3194 views)
Re: [techchris] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
high praise from buyers does not make it good,it just means the one they have has not gone wrong yet. Chinese crap is a big problem in this trade,no spares,no service manuals etc etc. It may have a brand name you like but inside is the cheapest chassis that manufacturer can find anywhere in the world. have you looked to see where the smoke is coming from? if its a capacitor then the value is written on the side, but basically rrobor is correct,you will probably have to cut your losses and buy panasonic in future.

My man,you're my man like they say here in the USA, you took all those words out of my mouth, piece of crap this chinese stuff, and it's not only that,is that the chinese got the global market on the bankruptcy ,and most everybody are unemployed everywhere,no money because most if not all companies went to china with the greed of getting rich now nobody has money to buy than everybody is in crisis, except a few Big CO's and the chinese gov.

New User

Feb 3, 2009, 11:32 PM

Post #6 of 13 (3192 views)
Re: [techchris] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

It's not Chinesse... it's american guys.
I'll open it and try to figure what might be broken.


Feb 4, 2009, 4:24 AM

Post #7 of 13 (3188 views)
Re: [Malkavian] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

it may be assembled in the usa but everything in it is china and its junk

New User

Feb 4, 2009, 4:26 AM

Post #8 of 13 (3186 views)
Re: [shadetree] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

Well still, I'm gonna do everything to repair it.

It's a 1600$ tv so it's worth my time and effort.

Any suggestion when trying to pinpoint the faulty piece?


Feb 4, 2009, 3:48 PM

Post #9 of 13 (3179 views)
Re: [Malkavian] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

olevia is bankrupt which may affect your ability to get parts


Feb 5, 2009, 12:47 AM

Post #10 of 13 (3172 views)
Re: [Malkavian] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
It's not Chinesse... it's american guys.
I'll open it and try to figure what might be broken.

Well i said Co's! means the Americans and Europeans and others big companies,that when they have their pockets full from sucking the tax free of those countries than fire the workforce and go somewhere else to suck to suck some more,because most countries governments let them do what they want, don't mind to be sucked,and i'll just talk about here in the States I've see companies closing most the factories and go to china to give jobs to Chinese,and making people here to buy Chinese cheep stuff but not very well built,but now here there is no more money to buy than most companies that went abroad are in crisis now, and don't know where this ends.


Feb 5, 2009, 6:18 AM

Post #11 of 13 (3165 views)
Re: [ivtec] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

I didnt say this was Chinese to argue everything from China is junk, its not. China is doing what Japan did 50 or so years ago to create wealth after WW2. Then the Japanese companies got greedy and moved off shore and Japan is now in the toilet. USA , well you guys have an aversion to tax so you have the super rich not paying their share. You still want your wars and your space race so your government printed money to pay for it. Now USA owes China 3 trillion and the pension funds etc 16 trillion. So sorry if you are going to look to blame, start at home, USA started this recession with Fanny May etc and it will not stop till USA wakes up and smells the roses.

New User

Feb 5, 2009, 2:04 PM

Post #12 of 13 (3162 views)
Re: [rrobor] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

wth guys... Crazy

how about you tell me how to repair a TV? Thanks!


Feb 5, 2009, 2:32 PM

Post #13 of 13 (3160 views)
Re: [Malkavian] Smoke came out of the back of my TV... what pieces do I need? [In reply to] Can't Post

Just because someone sells you a old Chevy Vega for $20,000.00 does not mean its a great car. Olivia has little or no suport for this model so the repair might be difficult. Since the smoke came out you may be able to isolate the problem. First you have to find the destroyed componet, like a capacitor or blown apart diode, resistor or IC. This will most likly be in the power suppply, then find where this source leads to. Does this supply power the audio? or power the ballest or sustain boards? then you have to test these boards for shorts or flaws. Power supplys do sometimes just fail but in many cases they are destroyed by the supportng boards they are conected too. Then you will have to find a supplyer for these boards, Now heres the real problem, many of these cheap sets will desighn and build the boards for the model run then discontinue the board and move on. This makes finding replacment parts almost inpossiple
Mike Owens Owner Competition TV Spokane WA.


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