Mar 9, 2014, 12:54 AM
Post #2 of 4
It will even load a tape. It WILL? Display(s), DVD, Tuner or external inputs working? What electronic or mechanical troubleshooting experience do you have? Test Equipment? Soldering/De-Soldering skills? As all the IC that is applied to VCR is controlled by IIC, mutual communication, if Vcc of IC is short or open with detecting ‘Acknowledge’ data of the specific IC according to each power(5V, 5VT) & u-COM gets unable to detect ‘ACK’ data. u-COM regards this case as abnormal one and if it can’t detect ‘ACK’ data for a certain time(3.5 sec) the signal of ‘Power Control’ and ‘Timer Control’ are switched to ‘Low’. As a result POWER Switching TR is kept from generating heat and fire. ------------------------- Location: Far, Far Away