
Dec 16, 2011, 10:01 PM
Post #28 of 55
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20
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cdoublejj;..... EDIT:...BTW , GREAT pix...Thanks... OK , the big moment has arrived.... Turn the set on & STAY AWAY from the end of that red wire... You may hear some hissing from that wire , as long as you are AWAY from it , there's no harm done... I don't do hospitals OR funerals... ... You need to be on alert for a "sizzling noise when i turn it on , (NOT from the end of the red wire) " , & sounds "like a fish tank pump."... Listen closely for any noises... Let me know what happens... Later..Ron.M.... ... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Dec 16, 2011, 10:03 PM)