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Crumbtrail TV Forums: TV Equipment: Projection TV Forum:
ITC222, RCA D52W20


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New User

Dec 16, 2011, 9:50 PM

Post #26 of 55 (12670 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

the splitter is up under that service/acess hole and that is the wire detached from the splitter "in" it comes from the flyback.

New User

Dec 16, 2011, 10:01 PM

Post #27 of 55 (12664 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post




Dec 16, 2011, 10:01 PM

Post #28 of 55 (12663 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post



EDIT:...BTW , GREAT pix...Thanks...

OK , the big moment has arrived....
Turn the set on & STAY AWAY from the end of that red wire...
You may hear some hissing from that wire , as long as you are AWAY from it , there's no harm done...
I don't do hospitals OR funerals...Wink...

You need to be on alert for a "sizzling noise when i turn it on , (NOT from the end of the red wire) " , & sounds "like a fish tank pump."...
Listen closely for any noises...

Let me know what happens...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Dec 16, 2011, 10:03 PM)

New User

Dec 16, 2011, 10:18 PM

Post #29 of 55 (12656 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

When I first turned it on I hear a loud fizzle, then the fizzle went away and then a noise can be heard coming out of the red wire. Felt like an electric static build up which scared us so we promptly shut it off. We did let it run for a bit as the unit turned on as soon as we plugged it into the wall. I heard a fizzing sound but it was pretty quiet. I think it was coming from that red wire.

New User

Dec 16, 2011, 10:39 PM

Post #30 of 55 (12650 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

also the fish pump sound comes from the front of the tv near the tubes and splitter.


Dec 16, 2011, 10:50 PM

Post #31 of 55 (12649 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post


Felt like an electric static build up which scared us so we promptly shut it off.

My bad....I should'a warned you about that....Unsure...Sorry...

I think it was coming from that red wire.

We need to be SURE that that's where the fizzle IS coming from...

HV splitter sounded like a fish tank pump.

See , this is what I'm working on...
Now , the location of the "fish pump sound" has changed...
Which screws up my line of diagnosis...

Are you getting the "fish pump sound" from the front of the set???
OR from the splitter as you said earlier ????

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Dec 16, 2011, 10:58 PM

Post #32 of 55 (12646 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

The fizzle sound is definitely from the front. there is a slight tick-fizzle in the rear which fades away.


Dec 16, 2011, 11:04 PM

Post #33 of 55 (12641 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post



The fizzle sound is definitely from the front.

Lets try this...
Make a narrow ended cone from some newspaper....
Use this as a hearing aid with the small end in or at your ear...
Keep away from the red wire & see if you can narrow it down further to a part or ???

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Dec 16, 2011, 11:39 PM)

New User

Dec 19, 2011, 6:27 AM

Post #34 of 55 (12628 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

rolled up a few sheets of printer paper into a nice cone you can really hear with it. I guess we are gonna setup some kind of ground just in case that wire gets really charged and decides to jump. sounds better than getting shock in the head.

I should have some more time Monday to tinker with it.


Dec 19, 2011, 6:23 PM

Post #35 of 55 (12623 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post


I guess we are gonna setup some kind of ground just in case that wire gets really charged and decides to jump.

Please give me details as to how you intend to do that...
Reason is that a ground WILL attract it...
I may have a better alternative way for you to safely do that...

sounds better than getting shock in the head.

I AGREE a 1.000 times over...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Dec 19, 2011, 9:21 PM

Post #36 of 55 (12619 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

we aren't sure yet on the ground we were seeing some isolated ground on youtube when people were playing with flybacks. if you have any suggestions i'm all ears.


Dec 20, 2011, 1:38 AM

Post #37 of 55 (12616 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post


Sorry about the long delay....
I have accute Broncitus & an attack is in full bloom...
After 2 days of painful coughing , I fell asleep on the couch...
Again , sorry...

Give me a link or 2 or 3 or 4 to the YouTube videos...
I think that those are not for what you need to do...
I think that those videos have more to do with troubleshooting flyback problems than what you are trying to do...
Somehow I think you got misled...
IF you are thinking about grounding youself to the chassis some way or another , remember what our past fearless leader (Benjamin Franklin) did with a kite & a key in a thunderstorm...

PLEASE be more specific with what (& who) you want to ground...

What I have in mind does not require any grounding...
It's called "common sense"...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Dec 20, 2011, 2:28 AM

Post #38 of 55 (12614 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

Sorry? Don't apologize, Eating and sleeping are among my favorite things to do.

Well my friend Eric is the one who came up with the idea for the ground and no the idea is not to ground our selves to the frame and die. He knows more about electronics then me he is the one who read electronics books growing up where as i played with motors and 9v batteries.

here is a link

looks like they just stuck ground wire to a screw on a wood board.


Dec 20, 2011, 7:05 PM

Post #39 of 55 (12599 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post


The video on YouTube is as I suspected...
It just shows what 30,000 volts looks like on a rampage...

In your pix;=>...
You have the HV wire strung straight out directly in the front of the TV with what appears to be black electrical tape....
Swing that wire to the right at about 30 to 45 degrees & anchor it well....
When you do that , the red wire looks long enough to be well out of the way....

I strongly suggest you find something larger than "printer paper" to make a larger cone...
Stay AWAY at least 6~8 inches from the end of the wire (With your head) when using the cone...
If your hair starts to look like this;=>...

You've gotten too close to the red wire....Wink....
Listen carefully for your "fizzle" sound...
Make sure it's NOT coming from your hair !!!...Wink..

You may hear a hissing from the end of the red wire...
Do not confuse that with the "fizzle" you said earlier..

Post results....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Dec 20, 2011, 7:08 PM)

New User

Dec 21, 2011, 1:25 AM

Post #40 of 55 (12592 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

well the fizzle has always been there since i got the TV (broken). I was wondering what causes the hissing of the red wire? static charge? the cone is over a foot long.


Dec 21, 2011, 6:47 PM

Post #41 of 55 (12576 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post


The "hissing" should be coming from the end of the red wire...
It is 30,000 volts looking for a place to go...
It is not a static charge , but a constant source voltage for the CRTs to produce light on the face of the CRTs...
IF you turn the TV on in a darkened room , you should see a blue corona (more like tiny lightning bolts) coming off the end of the red wire...
Stay at least 6~8 inches (12 would be better !!) from the end of the wire & you should be OK...
Would like to see you with a bigger cone...(Safer)...

The "fizzle" is the mystery...Unsure...

Also , gently dust the bottom of the neck of the center CRT with a 1~2 inch paint brush to clean the glass...
Then turn the TV on & see if there's an orange glow inside the center of the CRT at the bottom...
Leave it on for about 2~3 mins & see if it stays on...
Please post results...THANKS...Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Dec 21, 2011, 6:51 PM

Post #42 of 55 (12574 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

the fizzle could be from the splitter if it's making noises or some other transformer. I've been wondering about that dust it seems to get attracted because of the high voltages i thought. i probably isn't helping any thing i bet if you get enough dust on a circuit board it could cause a short. I just happen to have a 2inch or so paint brush just for dusting things.


Dec 21, 2011, 7:08 PM

Post #43 of 55 (12570 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

When you have the red wire from the flyback disconnected from the splitter , the splitter is effectively not in circuit & can not be making any noises...
So that 100% rules out the splitter as causing the noises....
Some other transformer or ? is a possibility....

95% of the time dust will NOT cause a problem or a short....
People who vacuum their TVs etc just to be immaculate are only asking for trouble & oftentimes , get it...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Dec 21, 2011, 8:39 PM

Post #44 of 55 (12566 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

I was wonder what the 2 prong at the bottom of the fly back may do? <br> Also do you guys need some volunteer moderators?

(This post was edited by cdoublejj on Dec 21, 2011, 8:40 PM)


Dec 21, 2011, 9:33 PM

Post #45 of 55 (12561 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post


I was wonder what the 2 prong at the bottom of the fly back may do?

Sounds like it needs another prong to be called a "Fork"...Wink....
Seriously...Need a bit more info to answer that....
Maybe a pix ???

Also do you guys need some volunteer moderators?

We need somebody here that can stop these garbage posters & spammers...
The guy that does it now , does it by request & IS SEVERELY OVERWHELMED by the torrent of spammers...
You're welcome to apply for the job IF it's available....GOOD LUCK ....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Dec 21, 2011, 11:50 PM

Post #46 of 55 (12559 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

if you look at the ebay link you should see 2 "blade" shaped prongs at the bottom of the splitter.

I actually moderate the forums on an open source video game project that i'm part of fro the longest time we got hundreds and thousand of spam til we installed a thing that thats make you read strangely shaped words and type them in called a captcha.


Dec 22, 2011, 12:55 AM

Post #47 of 55 (12552 views)
Re: [cdoublejj] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post


IF you look at the eBay link you'll see that ""This listing (120794066693) has been removed, or this item is not available."" & there is NO pix....


we installed a thing that thats make you read strangely shaped words and type them in called a captcha.

That will NOT work here...
These are REAL people that sign up as members as you did then do their spamming...
Captcha only stops the auto bot type programs...
Does NOT stop A-Holes & idiots that take the time to join...
Our moderator has blocked 1,000s & 1,000s of spammer IDs from China using a IP range blocker that has stopped nearly all spammers from China...
It's the new "member A-Holes we can not stop til I get in the act...


Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Dec 22, 2011, 12:56 AM)


Dec 22, 2011, 2:41 AM

Post #48 of 55 (12548 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

Careful you don't fall while you are on your soap-box. We old folks don't heal as quickly as we used to.Wink

Location: Far, Far Away


Dec 22, 2011, 6:23 PM

Post #49 of 55 (12536 views)
Re: [jts1957] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post


WHAT soap box ????...Hell , there's not even a "bar" there...Unsure...

I just canceled the Menora I was going to send you....
So you'll just get a "Holidays" without the "Happy"....Wink...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Dec 22, 2011, 9:32 PM

Post #50 of 55 (12534 views)
Re: [Ron.M] ITC222, RCA D52W20 [In reply to] Can't Post

maybe i can shoot him an email what is his forum name?

All 3 tubes glow, i can see it through the dust. the sound doesn't seem to come from the splitter, fly back or tubes at least not specifically maybe in the chassis some where, between the back end and front. it's very quite when listening from behind (with cone).

Oh there is a glow at the end of the wire, it sure is quite a sight, a blue glowy death ball the size of a period.

I'll probably try to possibly dial in the location a few more times.

This entire venture has been a little bit educational. I tend to like technical things, hell i learned how to use the screw driver before i could talk. Except now things are bigger and more valuable or have 30,000 volts.

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