
Jan 31, 2015, 4:03 AM
Post #7 of 30
Re: [tom v] Quasar RPTV SR4500EK
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Ron.M is the resident picture posting guru. Send him a PM. (I have only used them once or twice, and that was many moons ago). Now regarding prior posts: 'G1 screen controls' should be G2. I'll hold off on whether the CRTs are liquid cooled or not until I see a manual. Put everything back as you first found it (wires, connectors, control settings, etc.). Just out of an overabundance of caution ... and to try to generically simplify the path the signal takes. R, G & B as they leave the video processor should all be approximately equal DCV. Are they? When R, G & B are fed off the mother board and to the CRT boards, those DCV should be nearly the same as at the video processor and approximately equal to each other. Are they? Finally the R, G & B will reach the cathodes of each CRT and from your previous posts this is where the DCV readings you are reporting were obtained. Since swapping the blue and green boards also swapped the symptom, the problem must be on the blue board. Generic part numbers on video processor, transistors might help in the meantime. ------------------------- Location: Far, Far Away
(This post was edited by jts1957 on Jan 31, 2015, 4:46 AM)