New User
Oct 26, 2008, 6:59 PM
Post #31 of 34
I am trying to replace DL032 as I have a bowed picture (top/bottom) and the convergence is way off. I cannot access the convergence option in the Service Menu at all which I believe a blown FL231 is the cause. I have been told to replace the convergence power supply but I have checked all the resistors and diodes which all checked out fine. From what I can gather, I believe my problem lies in the deflection board. I am going to replace DL032, TL029, and CL037 on the deflection board. Is there anything else I should check/replace to help speed things up? Also, where can I buy replace diodes, transistors, ect for this t.v.? A few sites only sell components in bulk, which negates the purpose of trying to save money by replacing components on the board.