
Oct 19, 2013, 7:11 PM
Post #43 of 44
Re: [Goofy] 20PT633R01 slanted picture
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Goofy;... GREAT PIX !!!!.... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!... ... I have altered your pix below;....
The part that has the copper wiring showing is called the "yoke"... The blueish arrow points to plastic tabs that hold the yoke in place... Get a Sharpie or similar marker & put a line on the tab to the CRT neck.... Do that to 1 or 2 of the other tabs also... Those lines will give you a starting point in case of a snafu... The red arrow points to a clamp that locks the yoke in place... Loosen that clamp up... Try to see if the yoke will turn freely to the left & right.. IF it does not , get a flat blade screwdriver (About 1/4") & pry ALL the tabs up... Use care as those tabs are old & can be very fragile... Do NOT break them... The green arrow points to the HV wire that has 30,000 volts on it when the TV is on... Try to move that wire off to the side & outta the way.... Put the yoke back to the starting point & tighten up the yoke clamp so that the yoke is snug enough to stay in place but you can still move it... Turn the TV on.. Note where the slant is... You can do the next step with the TV on OR off... Your call... IF you do it with the TV on , use extreme care to stay away from the red wire , the bare connections on the blue part of the yoke & the copper wiring on the yoke... You can safely grab the white plastic collar at the front of the yoke to turn it.. IF the pix is slanted down on the right side (IF memory serves) turn the yoke SLIGHTLY clockwise (Looking from the back of the TV) & see if the pix is leveled out.... If not turn it a smidge more... When the pix is level , tighten the clamp.. Do NOT overtighten the clamp.. You can snap the CRT neck off if you do... IF you decide to do it with the TV off , just turn the yoke as stated above with the TV off & then turn it on to see the result.. Make sure that the yoke is ALL the way toward the front of the CRT during the adjustment & tightening the clamp... Have fun.... Later..Ron.M... Veteran & Retired TV technician