
Mar 23, 2010, 1:10 AM
Post #37 of 47
Re: [buffalocomputer] CTC167R Pincushion problem
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buffalocomputer;.... If you go to the link below;=>..... http://www.partstore.com/...ersJan098RCA8Product You'll see the part is listed as a Thermistor degaus.... Yes , it does look like a ceramic cap....But it's NOT...... I have one here & it's reddish in color & about 1/2 inch in diameter.... RCA discontinued making the originals due to this very problem.... IF you go across to where it says "See all models that use this part" click on that , model numbers pop up.... Where you see page #s , click on #10 , 14 , 18 , 22 , & finally #24.... There you will see model #27GT600 & 27GT612..... It seems to me that the RCA 27GT610 fits right between those & the part # I gave you I'm STILL 99.91% sure. Do NOT buy it from them , they want $9.95 + s&h..... MCM has it for $5.34 + s&h.... Mcm=>... http://www.mcmelectronics.com/...t/RCA-207768-/207768 If you shop around you might find it cheaper..... Good Luck.... Later...Ron.M.... ..... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 23, 2010, 1:11 AM)