
Apr 8, 2014, 6:51 PM
Post #62 of 67
DaveMN;... OK .
SCREW-UP # 1 !!!!.. THAT should've looked like this;=>...
If you insist on acting like a bull in a China shop , you can find someone else to help you... You are NOT changing anti-freeze in a car !!! I told you that WHEN you get stuck ANYWHERE , post & I WILL help you... IF you do NOT have the patience , I do NOT have time to correct your screwups !!! The part that you REMOVED did NOT have to be REMOVED.. Now , when you are finished you will have EXTRA work to CORRECT this FOUL up !!!.. You HAVE to follow MY instructions & a mix of THEIRS ...PERIOD !!! Later...Ron.M... .. Veteran & Retired TV technician