New User
Feb 16, 2010, 8:31 PM
Post #1 of 56
RCA 52" Model: D52W20 Chassis: ITC222 Manf. Date: Nov. 2003 I've had this TV for MANY years, problem free, until now when I jumped on the TV-Failure coaster. I've had this escalating problem that is baffling me. I started loosing RED a few months ago. It would start up fine, I'd watch TV for an hour or two, then the red would fade out and immediately pop back on. It then progressed to fading out a little more frequently, staying off for a little longer, then fading back in. It then progressed to having red at first, fading out within a few minutes, then staying gone most of the time (I could see horizontal red refresh lines on black channels/inputs). (When the red would cut out, the tube never turned off it just got dim, as evident by looking at them) After replacing the coolant in the blue & green tubes (no fluid came in contact with anything and I did not touch the red tube/board at all, or even check if red needed fluid because there was no signs of a leak), I reduced the power to the red tube (via the Screen/Focus pots) a hair in order to remove the red refresh lines. It worked so-so. The red lines disappeared, the whites returned, but red was very lacking in the picture. I watched TV for about an hour (playing with color and tint), then the picture started getting all funky, turning on and off, then the whole picture died all together. I turned it immediately off then back on, the picture came up then disappeared again. I waited a good while, tried it again, and this time I heard an obvious arching sound so I turned it off immediately and left it off a couple weeks. After sitting for a couple weeks, I turned it back on to start diagnosing and to see if I could isolate the arching, and now the red tube does not even come on, but blue and green work fine and I can watch TV again, sort of. There's no flashing lights, or any indication of a problem, just the red tube is not on. I checked the pots on the screen/focus box for resistance and they're all fine. I checked the flyback to see if there was any ring cracks on the solder points (common with this model), and there are none that are evident. I did not measure any output of the flyback though. I inspected all the boards for any obvious problems (blown caps, burnt marks, and anything else that looks out of place) and there are none. I have felt the waters by calling several TV repair places, and the answers I got vary greatly and lack any confidence, as well as their prices. I've been told convergence board, red tube, flyback, main board, "buy a new TV". So with the common theme being "give us money and we'll guess", I turn to the forum here. Does anyone have any ideas, or can point me towards areas to check? Thanks