
Mar 7, 2010, 2:07 AM
Post #28 of 56
vcand;... GREAT PIX !!!! THANK YOU !!!!! I didn't mess with the adjustments, just turned it on/off a few times to make sure it wasn't a fluke. BUT, the red/green both were consistent with one another. If you still have the boards hooked up , try it...You got nothing to lose.... ..... Thanks for the numbers.... I agree and reformulated my excited plan. I am replacing 4 questionable capacitors.. (1 has a film on the outside maybe a leak, 3 have slight bulges that are noticeable, actually distortions in the top, when you look close) Try as I might , I can't see which ones you are talking about in the pix.... ..... IF you can, mark the ones you're talking about (Use the "Paint" program) & re-post the pix... At any rate don't try the board just yet , as I'm 99.99% sure that caps are not the problem.... They may be a part of it , but not all of it.... 1 has a film on the outside maybe a leak Are you sure it's a cap ??? Also , what is on the heat sink ??? A very good place to start.... .... I suspect that you'll find its an output transistor that more than likely is shorted.... Remove it from the board & check it for ohms.... If its bad , & if you can , check the drivers for it .... GOOD LUCK.... later...Ron.M..... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician