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RCA: No Red


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Mar 6, 2010, 7:58 PM

Post #26 of 56 (2164 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post




Either way, I'm happy it's not a tube, and the problem has been isolated to at least a board.

That makes 2 of us.....

Thanks again, I would've probably already had the tube replaced and left scratching my head.

You're MOST Welcome....That & looking at a large hole in your wallet....

Did you get good video on the red & green ???...

So that pretty much would mean, overhaul it, and to what degree?

We need to troubleshoot it....
I suspect an IC , IF the module has one on it .....
Can you take a close-up pix of the module & post it ????
Also , see if there's a number on the board & post that too....

Should I just start with 1 group of components at a time (ie. capacitors, resistors, etc.) and replace them then try running the board after each group, or is there a more likely candidate?

I don't think that would be too good of an idea...
Reason is the possibility of causing more damage exists...
We need to find out exactly what is bad & replace it/them....


Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 6, 2010, 8:01 PM)

New User

Mar 7, 2010, 1:40 AM

Post #27 of 56 (2159 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Did you get good video on the red & green ???...

I didn't mess with the adjustments, just turned it on/off a few times to make sure it wasn't a fluke. BUT, the red/green both were consistent with one another.

I suspect an IC , IF the module has one on it .....
Can you take a close-up pix of the module & post it ????
Also , see if there's a number on the board & post that too....

No IC's that I can see, looks pretty straight forward.
The numbers are:
REDHYB-620 DA111 18422347350534 (BARCODE STICKER)
CAD-REF: 10806070.01 (BACK CORNER)
10859120 CRT R 222IP000 (BACK CORNER)

Here's the board:

And the bar-code:

I don't think that would be too good of an idea...
Reason is the possibility of causing more damage exists...
We need to find out exactly what is bad & replace it/them....

I agree and reformulated my excited plan. I am replacing 4 questionable capacitors.. (1 has a film on the outside maybe a leak, 3 have slight bulges that are noticeable, actually distortions in the top, when you look close)


Mar 7, 2010, 2:07 AM

Post #28 of 56 (2153 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post



I didn't mess with the adjustments, just turned it on/off a few times to make sure it wasn't a fluke. BUT, the red/green both were consistent with one another.

If you still have the boards hooked up , try it...You got nothing to lose....Laugh.....

Thanks for the numbers....


I agree and reformulated my excited plan. I am replacing 4 questionable capacitors.. (1 has a film on the outside maybe a leak, 3 have slight bulges that are noticeable, actually distortions in the top, when you look close)

Try as I might , I can't see which ones you are talking about in the pix....Unsure.....
IF you can, mark the ones you're talking about (Use the "Paint" program) & re-post the pix...
At any rate don't try the board just yet , as I'm 99.99% sure that caps are not the problem....
They may be a part of it , but not all of it....

1 has a film on the outside maybe a leak

Are you sure it's a cap ???
Also , what is on the heat sink ???
A very good place to start....Laugh....
I suspect that you'll find its an output transistor that more than likely is shorted....
Remove it from the board & check it for ohms....
If its bad , & if you can , check the drivers for it ....


Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Mar 7, 2010, 3:52 AM

Post #29 of 56 (2150 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

If you still have the boards hooked up , try it...You got nothing to lose....Laugh.....

Too late.. lol

They may be a part of it , but not all of it.

Possibly.. I replaced them anyhow... still no go.

Also , what is on the heat sink ???

I just pulled the cover off, its the video amplifier.
The markings on it are:
TDA6120Q S2
N3D5T9 17
HSO333 ?

I suspect that you'll find its an output transistor that more than likely is shorted....
Remove it from the board & check it for ohms....
If its bad , & if you can , check the drivers for it ....

Ok, I have 5 little transistors across the board, I tested them all and 3 show resistance between the Collector and the Emitter, the rest are fine.
The bad ones are:


Mar 7, 2010, 10:29 PM

Post #30 of 56 (2128 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post


""TDA6120Q S2"" Ta Da , We DO have an IC after all !!!!

BF420 , C33740 & C32740 , < these & the chances are that the IC is also bad is the reason why I'm reccommending you get a new or good used red CRT module....
The TDA6120Q S2 is readily available & costs about $4~$5 + s&h...
These;=>..BF420 , C33740 & C32740 , I did not do a search for , but being bad suggest more is wrong with the board than you found thus far (small resistors , diodes , etc) ....
My fear is that even IF you got ALL the parts & replaced them , that the board would not work & "may" even cause further problems/damage....

My search for the following numbers or any part thereof;=>...

REDHYB-620 DA111 18422347350534 (BARCODE STICKER)
CAD-REF: 10806070.01 (BACK CORNER)
10859120 CRT R 222IP000 (BACK CORNER) ,

got NO results.... Mad.....

I DID get lucky here;=>...

Scroll down about half way & you'll see this;=>...
"" D52W20 258756 RED CRT CIRCUIT MODULE Call 1-800-543-4330"".......YYEEESSSSS !!!!...Smile...Sly...
<<< I reccommend you call them Monday for price & availability info...
258756 IS the part # for the Red CRT module for your TV...

Another source to get the module is;=>...

$37.84 exchange + s&h...


Have a GREAT day...Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 12, 2010, 7:49 PM

Post #31 of 56 (2114 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post


Haven't heard from you in awhile , so I did a bit more research....
MCM has the board for $56.35 + s&h...
When I called them , they unbelieveably reffered me to a company called "Dex".....
When I called them , they said they had the board for $35.80 + s&h....
Their # is;....1-800-257-7946....

Both suppliers have the board in stock....

What is happening at your end ????

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Mar 16, 2010, 9:28 PM

Post #32 of 56 (2108 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey there,

I was waiting for the board to arrive to confirm a solution.

I wish I would've heard about Dex last week. I called around and most places who advertised "IN STOCK" actually didn't have it in stock. I ended up getting it for somewhere around 56$ and it's arriving today (I'll post back once I confirm it's the right board, and works).

Is there anything I need to keep in mind when adjusting the settings? I mean it's pretty much straight forward.. focus & power. I know to bring up the crosshairs, adjust focus until its pretty clean, as well as convergence. Then as far as the power one (my concern, overpowering), just bring it up until there's a balance between the 3 colors, and its bright enough for my viewing area?

I'm going to install it later tonight and will let you know the results.


Mar 17, 2010, 12:27 AM

Post #33 of 56 (2103 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post


"""I wish I would've heard about Dex last week."""
Had YOU called MCM as I did you would've heard about Dex , paid less & they had the board in stock....

Back to our regularly scheduled program;=>>

After you install the board (Assuming it's the right one) start with the red screen control fully CCW....
Turn the TV on , wait for the blue & green to come up , turn the color ALL the way down , then slowly turn the red screen control CW till you just get red starting to appear onscreen....
To balance the pix for gray scale.....
Set briteness at mid-range....
Contrast or pix ALL the way down....
Try first with the red adjusting till it barely lights up on screen....
Do the same with the blue & green....
It may take some experimenting with the 3 screen controls to get good B&W...
My computer has a problem , so if you have a problem with that , I'll try to post info from my service manual....
At this moment I can't do it....


Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Mar 17, 2010, 4:00 AM

Post #34 of 56 (2097 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Had YOU called MCM as I did you would've heard about Dex , paid less & they had the board in stock....

I called them first, they just simply said they didnt have it in stock (i must have spoken with someone else).

(Assuming it's the right one)

It's not :(

This board is a lot different. It's not only smaller, but on my original board it has a ribbon cable that plugs into it from the green board. This board lacks the ribbon cable, and it requires to two large plugs (similar to the green board).

(This post was edited by vcand on Mar 17, 2010, 4:01 AM)


Mar 17, 2010, 4:28 AM

Post #35 of 56 (2090 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post


I hope you can send it back & get a FULL refund.....Frown.....
Don't mess with it...Unsure....

Try Dex at;=>..1-800-257-7946....
When I called them , they said they had the board for $35.80 + s&h....

VERIFY ALL the above BEFORE you order & ask about a refund IF the board does NOT match yours...

Sorry for your bad luck....Unsure.....

BTW:...Who did you get it from ????

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 17, 2010, 4:29 AM)

New User

Mar 17, 2010, 7:04 AM

Post #36 of 56 (2083 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

BTW:...Who did you get it from ????

I got it from J&R Partsearch

I hope you can send it back & get a FULL refund

Yes, minus shipping.

The problem I am having is, finding the correct part number. JR site listed part number 258756 as the correct one, as well as many other sites, so I ordered it. It's obviously way off. I have been finding "similar" boards (such as 271871, which is the closest yet). No where, so far, can I find an accurate parts list OR correct model number.

I dont know if revision numbers (at least I believe thats what it is) matters.
On the back of my board I found this number: 10806070.01
On ebay I found this board which is: 10806070.02
Which appears to be the same (mine has white ribbon sockets, this has black, I don't know if there's a pinout difference, and a couple of the resistors "look" like they may have different values).

I will play the phone game tomorrow and see if I can find some answers.


Mar 17, 2010, 5:46 PM

Post #37 of 56 (2073 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post


"""On the back of my board I found this number: 10806070.01
On ebay I found this board which is: 10806070.02 """

Love the price & FREE s&h....Laugh...
This one looks soooooo close it's worth a shot ....Wink....

"""Which appears to be the same (mine has white ribbon sockets, this has black, I don't know if there's a pinout difference, and a couple of the resistors "look" like they may have different values)"""

I don't think there's a pinout difference , just the color of the connector....
I could NOT see any different resistor values....
Want to enlighten me ???...Which ones ???..

""I will play the phone game tomorrow and see if I can find some answers.""

Have fun & GOOD LUCK....Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Mar 19, 2010, 6:26 AM

Post #38 of 56 (2063 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

I just wanted to update you. I had the seller send a better photo of the board and I compared it.

What I viewed as different looking resistors were basically the result of either them being opposite the positions of my board, or their colors not being 100% visible. Either way, the board's barcode number matched mine (REDHYB-620) and everything else looks good. I figured, worst case scenario (because he doesn't allow returns) if the board doesn't "fit", I can just swap all the components over to mine and solve the problem.

I believe it should be here sometime next week and I'll post an update.


Mar 19, 2010, 5:24 PM

Post #39 of 56 (2055 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks for the update....Smile....

IF you DO have a "Worst case scenerio" , I hope this works out for you;=>..."""I can just swap all the components over to mine and solve the problem."""

Was the seller "Dex" ???

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 19, 2010, 5:25 PM)

New User

Mar 20, 2010, 7:32 PM

Post #40 of 56 (2042 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Was the seller "Dex" ???

No, it was that ebay auction. With that one I could at least SEE the board to compare it, rather than having someone on the phone tell me "this is the right one" and its not.

After the auction, he ended up emailing me to say he was wrong about the board numbers. He also included a second board and said to try both, if neither works he'll offer a refund.


Mar 20, 2010, 7:51 PM

Post #41 of 56 (2040 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post


That's Mighty decent of him....Wink.....Keep me posted.....Smile....

Have a GREAT weekend.....Sly.....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Mar 23, 2010, 12:48 AM

Post #42 of 56 (2027 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Good news!!
The boards came today and it works. There was 2 boards; the one from this auction is "kinda" similar and looks like an older board. The second board is identical in every way to mine, but one of the sockets need to be swapped because the little groove is a litte different.

Either way, I installed the first board for now and it's all working!

I definately need to do some adjustments. With everything CCW (except focus), there is a green tone across the screen (not black), and messing with the other two pots in some order makes it come and go, havent messed too much with it yet. As far as alignment, the green line (in the crosshairs) seems to be farther right then the rest and I cant get it back (tv allows for only red/blue adjustments, and they wont go farther right), I think that needs a manual bump down below.

I have this DVD for setting up and aligning a TV, I'm going to pop it in later and see what it can do for me.

board repair
New User

Mar 23, 2010, 1:06 AM

Post #43 of 56 (2027 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

On these RCA tv's with the ITC222 chassis # there 273 models made with this chassis dating back to 2003 . Your model # D52W20 has 4 different versions . Check the back of your set it will be listed close to where the model # was , generally just above it in smaller print it will have your model # with 3 letters and 1 or 2 numbers at the end . These are the 4 different model #'s i found D52W20BYX1 , D52W20BYX10 , D52W20BYX2 , and D52W20BYX5 . Now the red board for the BYX10 is 264106 , BYX2 is 265427 , BYX5 is 265427 . Now the BYX1 used one of the two ( 264106 or 264117 ) . If you have the BYX1 then check your board as you should have some drawing #'s on it . Drawing # 10805620 is the 264106 , drawing # 10821560 is the 264117 . It might be on your upc tag or imprinted somewhere on the board . Hope this helps you get the correct board . Union Electronic's has the 264117 @ 51.99 & the 265427 @ 45.59 ( ) . Encompassparts has the 264106 @ 58.34 and you'll get 20.00 back when you return your old part ( ) as this part is rebuild only so it will have an " R " at the end of the part # , but they do show one instock . Ron seems to be helping you quite well in getting this resolved hope on not stepping on any toes. Good luck in your repair. P.S. : you noted that you change the fluid coolant in your tubes . Did you also check to make sure your focus and screen wires from the picture tube to the Focus/Screen block were secure ? Just thought i'd ask . James


Mar 23, 2010, 2:10 AM

Post #44 of 56 (2021 views)
Re: [board repair] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post


Try this for grey scale & tracking (also known a Black & White tracking)....
With the brightness at halfway , the contrast (or Picture) & color ALL the way DOWN....
THEN , at this point turn ALL 3 screen controls CCW...
GRADUALLY ease the red screen control up till you just barely see the red....
Then do the same with the green & blue....
Re-adjust your contrast & brightness to get your pix back...
If you have a reddish cast in the pix , turn the red screen down just a schoch....
If it has a green cast , do the same with the green screen control , same for blue if needed...
You may not achieve true Black & White...
Turn your color back up...

For focus;....
Bring up the convergence from the menu....
Set it so that you have "x's" or little crosses...
Set the red & blue crosses deliberately off center....
Adjust the red focus til the red cross or "x" is sharp & clear...
Do the same with the blue & green....
For convergence;....
There is NO adjustments for you to mess with for green convergence....Factory set !!!!!
This part scares me;=>...
''""I think that needs a manual bump down below.""
You may have ever so slightly moved the centering rings on the green CRT while changeing the CRT boards around for our earlier testing....
Do NOT mess with those til I know you know what we are talking about....
I may have some info I can PM you....
Let me know how it goes.....

board repair;....
GOOD to see ya again...Smile....
We could've used your help about 2 weeks ago.... Unsure....
THANKS for ALL that info , however in case you hadn't noticed , vcand already HAS a board that seems to be the right one OR near enough to work correctly...Wink.....
RCA went beserk with that ITC222 chassis & ALL those damn models....Mad....
Finally , you are NOT stepping on anybodys toes here....Wink...

THANKS again....Smile.....


Have a GREAT evening & week....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 23, 2010, 2:13 AM)

board repair
New User

Mar 23, 2010, 4:24 PM

Post #45 of 56 (2014 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey anytime you need an RCA part # let me know . I have these all the way back to the CTC21 ! I have been RCA warranty station for too many years . It is sad to say they are coming to end . After the last CES show in Vegas they are dropping the RCA line on the TV end . The parent company which owns RCA ( i can't remember there name ) is changing the name . RCA soldout there audio line a few years back so i knew it would only time until the tv line would be gone . Off the subject of RCA you said you knew a bit about Mitsubishi . I just picked up the chassis from a customers home a CS40503 . Did not want to haul it out of his basement ! Do you know the part # of the following D982 zener diode and D983 diode ? TV will not respond to the power on ( no click from relays ) . D982 zener reads .079 on the diode tester which is to low . D983 which tests OK but has corrosion buildup due to C982 leaking . I will replace IC901 as well since C956 is leaking as well . Let me know if you can help . Thanks , James P.S. sorry its been awhile getting on this forum as work is pretty good right now and i work for a slave driver ( Myself ) .


Mar 23, 2010, 7:07 PM

Post #46 of 56 (2012 views)
Re: [board repair] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

board repair;....

""you said you knew a bit about Mitsubishi""
Once upon a time......Unsure....
I do NOT have the manual for that set....SORRY.....Frown......
If you can give me a chassis # , I may be able to help....Wink....

""""sorry its been awhile getting on this forum as work is pretty good right now and i work for a slave driver ( Myself )""""
Back to "tote that barge , lift that bale"""...."Dat Ole Man River".....

GOOD LUCK.....Smile......

Veteran & Retired TV technician

board repair
New User

Mar 23, 2010, 7:21 PM

Post #47 of 56 (2009 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Don't have that info as the back of the set is at the customers home and he won't be home til Tuesday of next week . The board # is 930B62608 if that will help . I used to bale hay & detassle corn for a farmer back in my younger days , but i'm sure as hell not doing that again ! Be good , James


Mar 23, 2010, 7:47 PM

Post #48 of 56 (2008 views)
Re: [board repair] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

board repair;....

Sorry , board # does not work for me....Unsure....

Good Luck....Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Mar 23, 2010, 8:51 PM

Post #49 of 56 (2003 views)
Re: [Ron.M] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

Hey thanks for your help.

For the first time in MONTHS, I was able to actually sit and watch it for a sustained amount of time.

The blue and green aren't exactly PERFECT (still a little fuzzy on the edges) during the focus, but nothing noticeable when watching.

I did notice that when I switched the dvd player into 1080 mode, it messed up the alignment and I had to do auto-convergence, don't know if thats relevant, I'll mess with everything tonight and put it through it's paces.

Curious question; The coupling on the green crt (that wraps around the base of the tube and the board snaps into to hold it up there) is loose. What is that black caulk stuff that they put on there to hold the socket to the tube? I think putting something on there will hold it together while moving the TV.


Mar 23, 2010, 11:28 PM

Post #50 of 56 (1995 views)
Re: [vcand] RCA: No Red [In reply to] Can't Post

RTV / Silcone sealant works.Smile

Location: Far, Far Away

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