Jul 29, 2009, 1:32 PM
Post #93 of 98
Re: [bogart219] Chassis number?
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Ok I mixed it up a bit as I was going from memory but The fault you describe about the blue picture is not a tube base fault its an IF fault. So lets recap your issues you did something on the tube base, now you may or may not have fixed that. You have another fault in the IF and you have been fooling around with the FET. Now I can tell you there is a 50/50 chance the fet is open and there is no way you can tell. Most meters have a 9 volt battery you reverse biased a high impedance device with 9V chances are you destroy it, your first test is remove the FET and read every resistor etc and when you have done everything else fit a new FET. You are playing (from memory) with the PTC to degauss, I dont know why. If the fuse is OK the PTC is ok if its not your set still works. You have a bridge or 4 bridge diodes, are they OK you have a surge limit resistor is that OK. You now have checked up to the filter capacitor. CHECK IF ITS GOT A CHARGE if so discharge it. Read ohms from the electrolytic plus to the FET pin, is there one at zero or near zero ohms, if not why not. What is the start device, Is it 2 resistors from the mains filter, are they OK Now this is just the start so from a suspected IF fault you have possibly 2 more faults. So am I being negative, no Im being realistic. so as stated Ill return at post 140 or so and check progress