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Post deleted by blueace33


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New User

Mar 2, 2011, 11:46 PM

Post #26 of 100 (3185 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

What would you call 4 diodes next to a Transformer on a power supply board?

Gus - Don't be an assclown here. I'm just trying to be help a guy fix his TV.
In most cases you would be correct, 4 diodes next to a transformer could be a bridge rectifier (in a lot of power supplies). Take another look at the photo! Looks like 3 diodes and a ferrite bead to me. But since I've already pointed out where the real bridge is (I'm 100% correct, you can tell by the one chopped corner) there would not be another one in a SMPS. I can provide you information on SMPS with schematics if you are interested in learning how they work and their configurations.
Re-read my post buddy - I said "Zenior or just a Diode" I can not tell which it is from a photo. Can you? Give me schematic or a datasheet then we can talk. You incorrectly assume that it is a BR (which it is not!) because you see 4 diodes, look again at the photo dude. Any BR would use 4 identical diodes, Look again, now what do you see. That location is more like the input to the transformer, and the would not be any rectification going on there, that would defeat the principles of a SMPS. I've troubleshot many of these power supplies and each one is different but still very simular in their design. Bottom line: not a BR, sorry dude!
Again re-read everythng I've wrote. I said if he heard a "POP" usually there is physical evidence not "always". That comes from years of troubleshooting electronics.
Again PM me and I'll send you some material on SMSP's. Then you will see I know what I'm talking about.


Mar 3, 2011, 12:20 AM

Post #27 of 100 (3181 views)
Re: [Jdonovan19] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


With ALL due respect , you ARE wasting your time with this @$$#ole....
He gets his info from the backsides of cereal boxes....
EXCELLENT come-back , tho !!!!
He also revealed he has a moderate , maybe severe case of A.D.D.
Gussie , that means Attention Deficit Disorder...
The proof is in his previous posts here...

Have a GREAT day & week....Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 3, 2011, 2:37 AM

Post #28 of 100 (3168 views)
Re: [Jdonovan19] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

You know,it does not matter what you or I think.The argument is pointless without a schematic.

You are basically giving advice on a "pop" sound,thinking it's going to be found by visual inspection alone.If you are an experienced tech with troubleshooting skills you know that's bulls**t.

if it's tv's,amplifiers,stereos,or whatever, electronics is the same.You guy's base your knowledge on sitting in a shop and throwing PCB after PCB at a tv until it works.

your "knowlege" is experience in one field alone.

Bottom line,tell the guy to get a service manual and start checking voltages if you want to help him.If you think I am an ass clown then I think you have no clue on how to troubleshoot.

If you want to pm me go ahead.I have nothing to say other than you are taking this person on a wild goose chase.


where is your input on this? do you really think this guy is right?If you are such an experienced tv guy then tell me,who is right?

Anyone can throw parts at something and fix it, but getting down to the component level and truly solving a problem is what separates the men from the boys


Mar 3, 2011, 2:40 AM

Post #29 of 100 (3166 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


There is a fourth diode at the top of the photo.


Mar 3, 2011, 2:41 AM

Post #30 of 100 (3165 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post



Mar 3, 2011, 2:41 AM

Post #31 of 100 (3165 views)
Post deleted by richpart [In reply to]



Mar 3, 2011, 2:44 AM

Post #32 of 100 (3162 views)
Re: [richpart] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

nice...someone with some actual input


upon looking on a better monitor (I am on another computer)that diode might have some visual damage.But I would also bet it does not stop at that simple failure...if that diode is,in fact faulty.Again,some voltage checks would be in order


Mar 3, 2011, 3:09 AM

Post #33 of 100 (3147 views)
Re: [Ron.M] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


your opinion on my alleged"ADD" is called multitasking.I usually screw around poking fun at you and at the same time either spend on schoolwork or at my job solving problems.

I could spend hours investigating,thinking,and then answering but,truth be told,I spend about 2-3 min writing these responses because I have actual tasks that need my attention.I am not sitting around a trailer park with 13 cats waiting on the next person to stroke my ego because I told them how to fix a broken 8 year old tv.

Like I said in the past,you insult people and I don't like that, and I will poke at you until I tire of it...


Mar 3, 2011, 4:12 AM

Post #34 of 100 (3128 views)
Re: [Jdonovan19] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

and a ferrite bead to me.

where the hell is this ferrite bead in the photo?


Those diodes look like 4003 germanium diodes to me.Why is everyone calling them zeners?

New User

Mar 3, 2011, 5:07 AM

Post #35 of 100 (3120 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks Rich for the service manual, a big help.
Thanks Ron for the advice on Gus. I should listen but, he started it and will not admit he is wrong. So here I go...

I must apoligize - I was wrong (take note Gus, real men know how to admit when they are wrong), it is not was not 5054 (I couldn't tell from the photo), it is 6055.

Gus - some bad news for you my friend - (1) it is a Zenior (250 volt to be exact, do you want the page number). (2) It is not part of any rectifier, sorry I tried to tell you that but you just refused to listen. From what I've seen you'll just find some other minor point to try and pick on and make some obscure point of how you were really right and everyone else is wrong. (3) It very well could be the fault. I only wish I had the PS in my hands for 10 minutes. (4) Go download the schematic Rich provided and see for yourself. (5) Get yourself some bench time dude, you can only learn so much in books, you have to fill in all the holes with experience. BTW - electron flow or hole flow, just curious?
Troubleshooting 101 - Visual inspection. It is the first step in the troubleshooting process! I'll break this down real simple like for you GUS- Do the simplest thing first. Then move to the more complex. Visual inspection can send you in the right direction very quickly and save a lot of time. Then after that move to schematics, circuit analysis and theory of operation! That is not bulls**t. BTW - I have over thirty years troubleshooting to the component level, I'm no board swapper!!! And these methods have served me well. So now Gus just go away and tell your mommy the big bad internet guy was being mean to you. You don't have to go away mad - just go away! I'm done with you.
A lot of people come to these forums looking for help. They neither have the equipment nor the expertise to fully troubleshoot electronics. That is where we are supposed to help. That is all I want to do here.


Mar 3, 2011, 12:35 PM

Post #36 of 100 (3112 views)
Re: [Jdonovan19] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

well then...where is the ferrite bead If you are so smart?


Mar 3, 2011, 1:09 PM

Post #37 of 100 (3111 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

and again,the argument is pointless without a schematic.

I don't have one and i am looking at a photo of a power supply sitting on someones leg.

another one with the need to get the pat on the back for knowing something he has looked at day in and day out for how long,30 years?

thirty years of fixing one product?you should know it or you would be ready for the short bus.

listen pal,you know one thing based on day in and day out experience.Your bench time consists of probably some boss standing over you, hounding your sorry ass to produce repairs so you spend all your time looking for the fast fix to keep him off your back.

you crack me up.

Why would you not want to confirm a problem with checking the supply voltage against the schematic?

here is the way I see you solving a problem...

hell it looks bad to me...throw a part at it...oops,not it..maybe it's this one...nope...that's your answer

don't tell me i am wrong cause that's the avenue you are going down.

also,when you use words like,dude you sound like a smart ass kid.

You sir, are a punk a** kid


Mar 3, 2011, 1:33 PM

Post #38 of 100 (3106 views)
Post deleted by richpart [In reply to]



Mar 3, 2011, 2:58 PM

Post #39 of 100 (3093 views)
Re: [richpart] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

I do need to make one thing clear.I am NOT A TV TECH..nor have I ever claimed to be.

I work in industrial electronic repair.True,I don't get much bench time as I use to cause I am a Supervisor.If you don't use it ,you loose it,i try to get some hands on time when I can

I actually come here because I have some curiosity on TV repair.Believe me,I do not want to be a TV tech...there is little money involved in it and to tell you the truth I would not go around bragging I was a TV repairman cause I fail to see the glory in it.

I strictly come back here to read,learn a little, and bust balls on guys like Ron who spend their time basking in the glory of telling people who are here for help that they are incapable of doing a project like fixing their TV' defeats the whole purpose of the Forum...why do you want to make people feel bad about themselves when you can help them....I will tell you why,because they have a low self esteem and need to bash people of less Experience (notice I use the word experience,not intelligence) to make them feel superior.

I now also come back to bust balls on know it alls who feel the need to be right.

this other guy...the ferrite bead "dude" is a smart ass kid who wants to discuss theory of how components work to prove how much he knows about electronics.

....hold on,let me get my textbooks out on atoms related to electron flow and I will be right with you...oh wait,I have better things to do with my time other than discuss theory of semiconductor function...give me a break.


you have the right attitude about these forums.The problem is,a few of these other guys need to feed their ego first before actually doing some good for the person in need of help.

Having said that,why don't you "know it alls" help this guy out?

New User

Mar 3, 2011, 3:29 PM

Post #40 of 100 (3088 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Keep throwing bait in the water, I refuse to bite!

Like I said I'm done with you, you're an idiot who refuses to even download the schematic or admit he is wrong. Bye bye gus. The end!


Mar 3, 2011, 3:41 PM

Post #41 of 100 (3086 views)
Re: [Jdonovan19] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

why download the schematic when I have already made a fool of you.

where is the ferrite bead"dude"? I don't see one in the photo


Mar 3, 2011, 3:47 PM

Post #42 of 100 (3085 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

My dog could tell me the difference in a Zener diode and a standard diode with a schematic.

bark once for a zener
bark twice for a standard germainum diode

New User

Mar 3, 2011, 3:49 PM

Post #43 of 100 (3085 views)
Re: [Jdonovan19] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor little gussy. nobody loves him. did the big bad tv repairman hurt your feelings?????
dont cry, here's a cookie. everything's gonna be alright!


Mar 3, 2011, 3:57 PM

Post #44 of 100 (3080 views)
Re: [fishnmachine] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

huh?that does not even make sense


Mar 3, 2011, 3:58 PM

Post #45 of 100 (3078 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

what,are you 10 years old?


Mar 3, 2011, 4:04 PM

Post #46 of 100 (3076 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

if you are going to jump into this discussion at least bring a half a brain...and some wit

New User

Mar 3, 2011, 6:14 PM

Post #47 of 100 (3061 views)
Re: [blueace33] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Wow missed a day and BOOM ok I bought a new power supply once i get it I will let you guys know if that cured it.Sorry about causing all the blow ups on this post was just wanting to fix my T.V. lol.

(This post was edited by blueace33 on Mar 3, 2011, 6:15 PM)

New User

Mar 3, 2011, 7:16 PM

Post #48 of 100 (3045 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
where is the ferrite bead"dude"? I don't see one in the photo

you no have grasses on


Mar 3, 2011, 7:45 PM

Post #49 of 100 (3129 views)
Re: [fishnmachine] EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

a little better...


Mar 3, 2011, 8:35 PM

Post #50 of 100 (3118 views)
Re: EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


Grab a beer or cup of coffee , this IS a long one....
SORRY , but , he needs a bit of a comeupance...

Wellllll Gussie , you managed to piss off some more folks here....
NICE work !!!!...
You showed your true colors once again.....
That being a NUMBER 1 @$$#ole !!!!
You refused to admit you were WRONG AGAIN !!!!...

You are basically giving advice on a "pop" sound,thinking it's going to be found by visual inspection alone.If you are an experienced tech with troubleshooting skills you know that's bulls**t.

That's NOT what he said....He said;=>...
"""you said that you heard a "pop" and from my experience that ussually show some kind of physical indication."""
The key word there is "usually" ....
NOT 100% of the time....

You know,it does not matter what you or I think.The argument is pointless without a schematic.

You were offered a full "SERVICE MANUAL" which you refused to take advantage of...
Who's the dummy here ????

where is your input on this? do you really think this guy is right?
If you are such an experienced tv guy then tell me,who is right?
Anyone can throw parts at something and fix it, but getting down to the component level and truly solving a problem is what separates the men from the boys

YES !!!...I KNOW he's right & you are so VERY WRONG !!!!
Nowadays you can NOT fix all the newer sets at component level...
Some (Maybe a LOT) of the service manuals do NOT have schematics &/or parts lists as they used to....
SOoooo , your comment is STUPID as ususl !!!!

your opinion on my alleged"ADD" is called multitasking.

Nice try...I did not fall off a cucumber truck....
You & Charlie Sheen related ???

thirty years of fixing one product?

NOT what he said....GOD , you are SO STUPID !!!!
HE said;=>...."""I have over thirty years troubleshooting to the component level, I'm no board swapper!!...
Doesn't sound like he's stuck on one product to me , IDIOT !!!!...

I work in industrial electronic repair.True,I don't get much bench time as I use to cause I am a Supervisor.

That explains some of the crap we're getting...
I pity your employees....I hope they have the smarts to find a better job & boss elsewhere....
Also explains your ignorance with the subject at hand....
Who did you bribe , sleep with , blackmail , extort , etc to get to be "Supervisor ????
Certainly it isn't your "charm" ...

I strictly come back here to read,learn a little, and bust balls on guys like Ron who spend their time basking in the glory of telling people who are here for help that they are incapable of doing a project like fixing their TV' defeats the whole purpose of the Forum...why do you want to make people feel bad about themselves when you can help them....I will tell you why,because they have a low self esteem and need to bash people of less Experience (notice I use the word experience,not intelligence) to make them feel superior. I now also come back to bust balls on know it alls who feel the need to be right.

You are NOT going to learn ANYTHING here with that attitude...
With the exception of you , my help here is unchallenged , welcome & ACCURATE , unlike your smart @$$ attitude.......
You have a "Superiority Complex" that needs psyciatric help (Definitely an intervention)....
You give everyone here the impression that YOU are the GOD of knowledge...NOT in the least bit true...

In summary;....
You irrevocably pissed me off long ago & now you managed to piss off everyone else in this thread...Congratulations , you are batting 1000...
How many more people are you going to "bust balls" before you get banned ???

Now for the capper....

I found a pix of Gus AFTER his corrective surgery to improve his appearance....

Here it IS:=>..

That explains his "charming" personality" doesn't it ???

Pheeeewwwww !!!...That was huge !!!!...

EXCLUDING Gussie;....
Have a GREAT day & weekend....Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

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