
Mar 3, 2011, 8:35 PM
Post #50 of 100
Re: EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken
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EVERYONE:.... Grab a beer or cup of coffee , this IS a long one.... SORRY , but , he needs a bit of a comeupance... Wellllll Gussie , you managed to piss off some more folks here.... NICE work !!!!... You showed your true colors once again..... That being a NUMBER 1 @$$#ole !!!! You refused to admit you were WRONG AGAIN !!!!... You are basically giving advice on a "pop" sound,thinking it's going to be found by visual inspection alone.If you are an experienced tech with troubleshooting skills you know that's bulls**t. That's NOT what he said....He said;=>... """you said that you heard a "pop" and from my experience that ussually show some kind of physical indication.""" The key word there is "usually" .... NOT 100% of the time.... You know,it does not matter what you or I think.The argument is pointless without a schematic. You were offered a full "SERVICE MANUAL" which you refused to take advantage of... Who's the dummy here ???? Ron, where is your input on this? do you really think this guy is right? If you are such an experienced tv guy then tell me,who is right? Anyone can throw parts at something and fix it, but getting down to the component level and truly solving a problem is what separates the men from the boys YES !!!...I KNOW he's right & you are so VERY WRONG !!!! Nowadays you can NOT fix all the newer sets at component level... Some (Maybe a LOT) of the service manuals do NOT have schematics &/or parts lists as they used to.... SOoooo , your comment is STUPID as ususl !!!! your opinion on my alleged"ADD" is called multitasking. Nice try...I did not fall off a cucumber truck.... You & Charlie Sheen related ??? thirty years of fixing one product? NOT what he said....GOD , you are SO STUPID !!!! HE said;=>...."""I have over thirty years troubleshooting to the component level, I'm no board swapper!!... Doesn't sound like he's stuck on one product to me , IDIOT !!!!... I work in industrial electronic repair.True,I don't get much bench time as I use to cause I am a Supervisor. That explains some of the crap we're getting... I pity your employees....I hope they have the smarts to find a better job & boss elsewhere.... Also explains your ignorance with the subject at hand.... Who did you bribe , sleep with , blackmail , extort , etc to get to be "Supervisor ???? Certainly it isn't your "charm" ... I strictly come back here to read,learn a little, and bust balls on guys like Ron who spend their time basking in the glory of telling people who are here for help that they are incapable of doing a project like fixing their TV's...it defeats the whole purpose of the Forum...why do you want to make people feel bad about themselves when you can help them....I will tell you why,because they have a low self esteem and need to bash people of less Experience (notice I use the word experience,not intelligence) to make them feel superior. I now also come back to bust balls on know it alls who feel the need to be right. You are NOT going to learn ANYTHING here with that attitude... With the exception of you , my help here is unchallenged , welcome & ACCURATE , unlike your smart @$$ attitude....... You have a "Superiority Complex" that needs psyciatric help (Definitely an intervention).... You give everyone here the impression that YOU are the GOD of knowledge...NOT in the least bit true... In summary;.... Gussie... You irrevocably pissed me off long ago & now you managed to piss off everyone else in this thread...Congratulations , you are batting 1000... How many more people are you going to "bust balls" before you get banned ??? Now for the capper.... I found a pix of Gus AFTER his corrective surgery to improve his appearance.... Here it IS:=>..
That explains his "charming" personality" doesn't it ??? Pheeeewwwww !!!...That was huge !!!!... EXCLUDING Gussie;.... Have a GREAT day & weekend.... .... Later...Ron.M.... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician