Gussie girl....
More dribble....
More half truths I must reply to....
More lies I must refute & prove you wrong...
To think that all this venom is coming from a spoiled brat that I refused to give the Factory Menu code to so he could go in there & mess with it unnecessarily....
From a thread long ago & far , far away.....
WOW, what a temper filled with hate & lies....
You are the ONLY one bitching here....
My replies to your accusations , innuendos , & blatant downright lies ARE making ME look SOOOOOooooo GOOOoooood & YOU look SOOOoooo Baaaaad...
I come off looking like a victim & you look like the aggressor...THANKS...
Your refusal to admit you were wrong says plenty about your personality deficit...
Now for that last post....
99% of the people ARE over their heads when it comes to TV repair...
I seriously doubt that number....
A LOT of posters I've run into are well knowledgeable about TVs &/or electronics...
Your number is inaccurate...
Thanks for the loverly explanation why this forum exists...
You FINALLY got the message....
Ron was trying to lead me to believe that I had to tear down the entire TV in order to something that can be accomplished in a much easier way if you are careful and attentive to detail.He was very adamant in his convictions,and was of course completely and totally insulted after I posted my results,how I got them,and tips for anyone who wanted to do this in the future.
In a nutshell,I believe he was upset that I had success fixing the tv without following his exact direction and then giving him praise for his prowess in tv repair
This IS TOTAL BS !!!!
Actually,it just broke again xmas day and I fixed it again.This time I was much smarter and only posted looking for a manual.I once again got into it with ron.
Actually , HE started ANOTHER war....
This time,I just stopped poking him,spent the $16 and bought the service manual.
He bought the service manual because I REFUSED to give him a copy of mine...OR help him....
He's mad because he had to spend $16.00....
After I fixed it I did have a small problem,so I PM'd another guy on here and he told me what to look for.
Your expertise is showing....
techchris is a person who will help any known jerk....
I won't....
I might not know televisions,but I do know people and how to handle them.
Yes & NO!!!...You do NOT handle people well....
NOT here anyways...
You managed to piss off nearly EVERYBODY in this thread , especially me...
That's WHY I don't buy the BS you are a Supervisor....
Supervisors do NOT treat people like you do here...
IF they did , they wouldn't be Supervisors for long...
A good people manager would have handled things differently...
I also have many skills way beyond anything else you could possibly match in the real world..if you don't believe that, then that's just fine with me.
And you're right , I DON"T !!!!
I don't have to prove anything to you.
What you have proved is that you are a VERY upset , delusional , hate spewing , aggogant , anti gay , etc , person....
That's waaaay toooo much....
Stop knocking all the people who want help on this forum,apologize and I will leave you alone
I do NOT KNOCK those I help...
As for the apology to you , go to HELL in a wicker basket...
Veteran & Retired TV technician