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Post deleted by blueace33


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New User

Mar 3, 2011, 9:28 PM

Post #51 of 100 (3038 views)
Re: [Ron.M] EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Good one Ron, two thumbs up!Cool

Gus there is a ferrite bead in the photo but I grown tired of trying to teach you because you just don't listen, study up and then you will find it. It is clear to see in the photo.

I'm Out!


Mar 3, 2011, 9:42 PM

Post #52 of 100 (3037 views)
Re: [Ron.M] EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

ha ha ha ha...

You know this whole thing is pointless now cause the guy bought a new power supply.

No one gets the glory for the fix.


Why would I download the schematic just to check a component to win an argument.I clearly could care now you should have figured out I like pushing your buttons.I always get you wound up..that's my goal.

This other kid just happen to get caught in the middle so i unloaded on him as well.

Both of you guys seem to pick the issues that have grey areas to comment on.

No one has commented on the fact that no one has properly diagnosed that supply as being bad.

Based on a few words from some kid with little experience someone went out and spent a chunk of money on something that may have been fixed with a $5 component if it was handled properly.

Again,with that being guys are so knowledgeable that I can't stand it.

I will also go and cry in my beer tonight thinking that none of you tv homo's like and respect me.

By the way,I have contacted Jammer in the past..he knows where I am coming from


Mar 3, 2011, 9:44 PM

Post #53 of 100 (3034 views)
Re: [Jdonovan19] EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

where is it ?

please kind sir, also explain what it does electrically...

I am in awe of your greatness


Mar 3, 2011, 9:53 PM

Post #54 of 100 (3030 views)
Re: EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


I've said all I'm going to for now....
Time for others to ignore you or comment IF they wish...
They are intelligent enough the recognise an idiot when they see one....

By the way,I have contacted Jammer in the past..he knows where I am coming from

Has he told you where to go yet ????

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 3, 2011, 10:03 PM

Post #55 of 100 (3026 views)
Re: [Ron.M] EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

I am still posting,am I not?

guess that answered your question


Mar 3, 2011, 10:12 PM

Post #56 of 100 (3024 views)
Re: EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


That don't mean squat....
Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 3, 2011, 10:57 PM

Post #57 of 100 (3022 views)
Re: [Ron.M] EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


If I was talking nonsense and giving bad advice,don't you think I would get the boot?

If EVERYONE hated me...and I was not contributing in a positive manner don't you think GUS67 would have disappeared by now?

you can't go through life assuming you know everything and anyone you talk to cannot understand topics on your level.That's just nonsense.

From what I understand,you are a retired tv technician,a technician,not an engineer.So where do you get the idea that you are technically above anyone?

bottom line,you behave like this because it make you feel important.

like I said in the past,this website is probably the only thing you have in your life that makes you get out of bed in the morning,and in some sick and twisted way you actually enjoy it when I tear you apart.

Besides,if I wanted to make friends here don't you think I would smooth out my delivery?

I am here for my own reasons and them alone,not for admiration or respect,or for someone to,that guy knows his stuff...who cares,that's for you guys that don't have people asking you crap all day long..

if you get me,then you get me...if you don't,who cares.I do not have much TV knowledge to share.

I do however have plenty of problem solving skills that can be applied to any circumstance,electrical or mechanical,and I will contribute where I see fit.


Mar 4, 2011, 12:02 AM

Post #58 of 100 (3010 views)
Re: EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


99.9999% of that , I could care LESS about &
Doesn't mean squat !!!!!

Go get your sick little jollies off somewhere else & with someone else...

You done yet ????

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 4, 2011, 12:07 AM

Post #59 of 100 (3008 views)
Re: [Ron.M] EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Funny,I was just thinking the same about you...

Thing is though,I am never done.I am always up for an argument.

Hell I have had this website up on my browser most of the day here.

bout time for your glass of warm milk before bed isn't it old man?


Mar 4, 2011, 12:19 PM

Post #60 of 100 (2981 views)
Re: [Gus67] EVERYONE !!! Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Well I waited till this morning to see if anyone said...

"hey dips**t what about 5066 & 5067"

no one did..I thought that fish guy would.

Well I see them...have seen them the whole time..

the argument started about the 4 diodes next to the transformer in the middle of the pcb being zeners or not...or if in fact they had failed.

the j19 guy said"and a ferite bead" referring to the 4 diodes I had said "may be a bridge rectifier"

I guess some call the pcb mount ferrite beads.I usually refer to them as chokes when they are mounted in that fashion.

actually some schematics have a L*** when referring to them.

They still do the same thing..


I see them and their are 2 of them,not 1, and they are not in the area that the argument started with.

For the record.I usually call a "ferrite bead" the bead around the ground wire in the top right corner of the board.Most people in the Industry I work in call them that (the ones around a wire that is)

New User

Mar 4, 2011, 2:46 PM

Post #61 of 100 (2974 views)
Re: [Jdonovan19] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Bought and installed a brand new power supply but its still doing the same thing no change.Can hear a very light click like when you first turn it on but light still wont come on or anything.Is there anything else it might be or should I just give up on it.


Mar 4, 2011, 3:17 PM

Post #62 of 100 (2970 views)
Re: [blueace33] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

my mouth is now shut...let the big shot's handle this now.


Mar 4, 2011, 7:20 PM

Post #63 of 100 (2956 views)
Re: [Gus67] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


my mouth is now shut...let the big shot's handle this now.

About GD time you wised up....

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 4, 2011, 7:24 PM

Post #64 of 100 (2952 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

well ron...tell him how to fix his tv if you are what you are.

we are all waiting...


Mar 4, 2011, 7:31 PM

Post #65 of 100 (2950 views)
Re: [Gus67] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

oh wait...let's just tell him to buy board after board until it works....then the guy can have a $3000 TV that originals cost $900

New User

Mar 4, 2011, 8:40 PM

Post #66 of 100 (2944 views)
Re: [Gus67] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Nah im good gus not going to put much more in it was just wondering if it might be something as simple as the power cord or switch I not gonna invest much more in it.


Mar 4, 2011, 8:49 PM

Post #67 of 100 (2942 views)
Re: [Gus67] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


Gussie girl...

Either you can't read , already have a SEVERE case of A.D.D. or are just plain STUPID !!!
From post #19...

No matter , I do NOT have experience or training for LED , LCD or Plasma TVs...
I readily admit that rather than try to play games & fake it like Gussie....

Your statement that you are a "Supervisor" is shot to hell with your memory lapses...
No good Supervisor loses information like you do...
So I believe you are a LIAR among other things...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 4, 2011, 8:55 PM)


Mar 4, 2011, 8:59 PM

Post #68 of 100 (2937 views)
Re: [blueace33] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


I apologize for creating this fiasco.I only put in my opinion trying to help.

I am also sorry that I created a competitive atmosphere that none of these so called "experts"are afraid to take on and fail in front of everyone because they have built themselves up to something they cannot see through.

(only 2 guy's here I am talking about,not the whole forum)

Maybe try searching the many posts on here that resemble your problem.Sometimes it helps me to solve an issue that I don't have the experience in instead of starting a post and waiting on someone to just jump in and give you the answer you are trying to find.

There is a lot of helpful posts that might shine a light on the problem.Try not to give up too quickly.

good luck


Mar 4, 2011, 9:14 PM

Post #69 of 100 (2932 views)
Re: [Gus67] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Gussie girl....

I apologize for creating this fiasco.

You do this ALL the time...
Your apology IS WORTHLESS !!!!

I only put in my opinion trying to help.

Opinions are like @$$#oles , everybody's got one...
Yours do NOT help , are NOT informative & definitely USELESS !!!

I am also sorry that I created a competitive atmosphere that none of these so called "experts"are afraid to take on and fail in front of everyone because they have built themselves up to something they cannot see through..

HUH !!!...
Then why do you act like an "expert" & tell people where & how to fix their TVs etc ????

(only 2 guy's here I am talking about,not the whole forum)

I KNOW you don't mean that !!!

Veteran & Retired TV technician

New User

Mar 4, 2011, 9:15 PM

Post #70 of 100 (2929 views)
Re: [Gus67] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks I like a good back and forth so its cool.I'm just trying to figure this thing out before I trash a 1500 dollar TV thats not very old a few years.If I would have known these were this problematic but I bought it because I had the older box style Magnavox tv that lasted 15+ years.

(This post was edited by blueace33 on Mar 4, 2011, 9:18 PM)

New User

Mar 4, 2011, 9:20 PM

Post #71 of 100 (2924 views)
Re: [blueace33] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

But I see their quality dont mesh with their price anymore so this is my last one.Seems like most TV 's now are made to last longer that the warranty and thats about it lol.

(This post was edited by blueace33 on Mar 4, 2011, 9:26 PM)


Mar 4, 2011, 9:25 PM

Post #72 of 100 (2920 views)
Re: [blueace33] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


I too am sorry about what happened here...
NOT for my behavior , but for the event....
Gussie girl IS A GREAT instigator & AGGRAVATOR...
I don't back away from his BS...
Had you given it some more patience & time ,
someone with experience would've come along & helped you out...
There ARE a LOT of GOOD techs here,....
Gussie girl is NOT one of them...

See if you can send the power supply back & get a refund...
Then start a new thread...
IF Gussie girl can keep his big mouth shut , you should be OK...


But I see their quality dont mesh with their price anymore so this is my last one.

ALL the new sets are just about as bad....
It's a crapshoot buying a new LCD ,LED , or Plasma...

2nd EDIT:...

Seems like most TV 's now are made to last longer that the warranty and thats about it lol.

Some don't even last to the end of their warranty period...
Some last to just past the warranty...

GOOD LUCK....Sly....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 4, 2011, 9:31 PM)


Mar 4, 2011, 9:30 PM

Post #73 of 100 (2917 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post


What's with the hostility?

If you are so great and knowledgeable why cant you solve this problem?

maybe someone can talk Ron through this fix...

naa,I don't think he's qualified...


In your face....


Mar 4, 2011, 9:59 PM

Post #74 of 100 (3083 views)
Re: [Gus67] Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

But I see their quality dont mesh with their price anymore so this is my last one.Seems like most TV 's now are made to last longer that the warranty and thats about it lol.

You know Ron once told me that if you watch TV with one eye closed, the television will last twice as long because it will get half as much wear.

He also said that if you have too many people watching it that will make it wear down even faster.

must be true cause he's so smart.


Mar 4, 2011, 11:19 PM

Post #75 of 100 (3066 views)
Re: Gussie Girl.. Magnavox Tv broken [In reply to] Can't Post

Gussie Girl....

I do need to make one thing clear.I am NOT A TV TECH..nor have I ever claimed to be.

Then what the hell are you doing here ????....Hmmmm

I strictly come back here to read,learn a little, and bust balls on guys like Ron who spend their time basking in the glory of telling people who are here for help that they are incapable of doing a project like fixing their TV's...

Oh , I see...Nice attitude...REAL nice !!!!...

The problem is,a few of these other guys need to feed their ego first before actually doing some good for the person in need of help.

What a BIG load of BS !!!

From Jdonovan19 , the best advice concerning you yet & I'm soon to follow...

Keep throwing bait in the water, I refuse to bite!

Like I said I'm done with you, you're an idiot who refuses to even download the schematic or admit he is wrong. Bye bye gus. The end!

SOOOOoo true !!!

Good one Ron, two thumbs up!Cool

Gus there is a ferrite bead in the photo but I grown tired of trying to teach you because you just don't listen, study up and then you will find it. It is clear to see in the photo.

Nuff said about that !!!

Good one Ron, two thumbs up!Cool

He apparently also liked your picture !!!!

Like I said in the past,you insult people and I don't like that, and I will poke at you until I tire of it...

Anybody that knows me knows that that is PURE UNADULTERATED BS...
YOU are the one insulting not ONLYme , BUT , everyone else you come into contact with here....

By the way,I have contacted Jammer in the past..he knows where I am coming from

Since you told him where you are coming from , I sense that he told you where to go back to & you are NOT happy about it...TOOooo bad !!!!

Finally ???

my mouth is now shut...let the big shot's handle this now.

What ever happened to shutting your BIG mouth ????
Seems like you have a SEVERE case of Diarrhea of the mouth...
That was 12 posts ago...

Some more genious quotes from the master baiter;...

that's not a's just a plain jane diode.
My dog could tell me the difference in a Zener diode and a standard diode with a schematic.

Reply from you know who;...

Gus - some bad news for you my friend - (1) it is a Zenior (250 volt to be exact, do you want the page number).

SOOooooo Gussie Girl , perhaps you mispelled "Supervisor" & it should be "Stupervisor"...

We get ALL this crap from a guy(?) who calls a zener a convential diode just by looking at it & aggravates others just for the fun of it...
I don't think he knows the difference between a bridge rectifier & the Goodyear blimp !!!

Have a ROTTEN day & an even WORSE weekend....YEEEeaaaahhhh !!!

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 4, 2011, 11:26 PM)

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