
Dec 22, 2010, 8:54 PM
Post #81 of 84
dgentry516;.... I WILL NEVER call you a "dumdass".... But , it's getting a bit on the futile side with this TV.... Here's the deal... This TV has what's called a "closed loop" power supply..... That means that the primary side is regulated by feedback from the secondary side.... The secondary side is regulated by the primary side which is getting feedback from the secondary side..... See what's going on here ???... So if there's a problem in the primary (which you have) , the secondary will not come up with those stand-by voltages.... Now , not only do you have a power supply problem , but , you also have a drive voltage problem to Q401.... And now there's no 130 vdc.... So it's gotten worse.... This TV requires a hands-on TV Tech... Sorry to say that no matter how sharp your are , there is no way that we are going to post back & forth & fix this TV.... Way too complicated a problem.... My best advice would be to take the TV to or call a GOOD , REPUTABLE & HONEST TV Shop.... See if you can get a Free estimate & go from there..... I wish you nothing but the best of luck.... .... A VERY Merry Christmas & a VERY Happy , Healthy & Prosperous New Year to you , your family & loved ones.... Later...Ron.M.... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician