
Mar 2, 2011, 7:07 PM
Post #19 of 100
Re: EVERYONE... Magnavox Tv broken
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To everyone reading this..... Gussie69 is an egotistical narcisstic sociopath who thinks he is a electronic whiz.... The only thing that whizzes about him is what runs down his leg.... I've had numerous run-ins with him before & he's back to his old tricks again.... Somebody that can't tell the difference from a tiny diode & a full sized bridge rectifier is in NO position to be giving technical advice.... His lack of experience shows at every turn... Check some of his other posts.... I reccomend you follow others advice... Jdonavon19;.... You & others must have some great eyes.... I looked for "diode" or "zener" 5054 on the pix & could not find it... I requested better pix..... No matter , I do NOT have experience or training for LED , LCD or Plasma TVs... I readily admit that rather than try to play games & fake it like Gussie.... blueace33;... GOOD LUCK with the repair & watch who you listen to... .... I KNOW who's going to reply & what to expect from him , so have at it Gussie girl.... ... ....Ron.M.... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 2, 2011, 11:16 PM)