
Jul 9, 2009, 12:32 AM
Post #13 of 98
Re: [bogart219] Chassis number?
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bogart219;.... Or find a RCA CTC169 chassis and take the focus/screen assembly (snapped onto the flyback and is seperate) and hang it on somewhere else and route wire from flyback transformer (few KV on that) to this. Not good advice!!!...You run the risk of having High Voltage flying all over the place... Time for another focus/screen assembly. Try to search around, see if you can get a spare similar zenith part and transfer the ceramic board over to yours. Much better advice... An exact replacement screen/focus block would be ideal.... However to my knowledge they are not available seperately... They are usually part of the flyback.... My best advice to you would be to get the # (should be 95-???? for the part #) of the flyback & google it....Since the focus/screen assembly is part of the flyback you are only asking for trouble if & WHEN a sub , other than original , is used... That flyback should not be that costly... I went over to badcaps.net forum & read your thread.... My,My,MY, you are having a LOT of fun with this set aren't you.... .... badcaps.net is primarily a computer help forum... I'm not sure of their qualifications as TV techs.... Altho there is a forum for them... I'm NOT putting them down.... You DID get some GOOD advice & help from some of them... Wizard IS a TV tech & I'm more than a bit surprised he suggested you get a RCA focus/screen block.... THANK you for that VERY informative reply.... .... If I/we can be of any more help,just ask...OK.... Later...Ron.M.... .... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on Jul 9, 2009, 12:33 AM)