
Dec 11, 2010, 7:39 PM
Post #25 of 84
dgentry516;..... I need a IMAX theater to see those pix.... TOOOOoooooo large & blurry..... SUGGESTION:=>.... When you upload your pix into your computer , transfer them one at a time to "Paint".... Then label each of them with different names so when you hit browse at Imageshack , you can ID them... Save them as JPG or JPEG format to wherever you can find them easily (Desktop or ???)..... Makes it a lot easier.... END SUGGESTION... It was Uzail who suggested the "widget" (???)... In the future , upload your pix using the "Upload Options" feature.... Click on the drop down arrow where it says "Do not resize"..... Choose 800X600...Skip "Add Label"...(?)....Upload pix... Then go to "My Images"..... Then with your mouse on the pix , right click & click on "View Image"..... A new window will open up with the pix in it... Do NOT click to "Zoom" in on the pix..... With your mouse on the pix , right click & then click on copy.... Come here & click on paste.....
Ta-Da...You get a decent sized pix.... BTW;...You have 3 arms ???? Now that that is settled.... There appears to be a problem with your results.... In the pix below , in the circled area , it looks like you don't have the correct ground....
That is a twist tab that may/may not be grounded to the main chassis.... Read ohms from the tuner shield (case) to that point & see if you get 0.00 ohms.... Post results... WHY did you change IC101 ????... .... You may have to put the original back in..... You "may" have to go into the "Factory Menu" to adjust certain parameters to match the new one to your set... I'm not going to help you with that if needed.... AND , it has not been determined bad yet.... Give me the readings in script , please.... IF I need pix I'll ask for them.....THANKS..... ..... Later...Ron.M.... Veteran & Retired TV technician