so when i get a new q4101 you don't want me to install it until you give me the ok, right?
. if the power supply diodes check good are there any
voltages i can check with the q4101 removed......
YES , BUT , I'd rather wait till you get the transistor in....
>>Do NOT install it till I give you an "all clear"....<< We are going to make another check or two....
But , in the interest of safety , leave it

check cr122, so i did and it was 660 one way and 1530 the other way.
IF your meter showed
.660 & 1
,530 using the "diode" scale , then I would say that it's OK...
Notice the period in .660 & the coma in 1,530....
They MUST appear on your meter !!!...
CR4001 ~ CR4004 appear to be OK by what your readings say....
Have you contacted "acme" yet & have you gotten a reply ???

Veteran & Retired TV technician