
Apr 19, 2010, 8:52 PM
Post #2 of 115
kingm316;.... The 1st thing I'd like you to check is the H.O.T. ... That's the Horiz Out Transistor Q4401 for a short from collector to chassis ground.... IF that is shorted , remove it...... Next go to the Chopper Transistor , Q4101 collector to HOT (AC) chassis ground.... IF that one is shorted , you are going to have fun.... If not , GOOOOOD !!!!..... You have 3 caps to check.... #1= C4108 , 47 mfd....(35 vdc ??) #2= C4104 , 15 mfd....(Forgot vdc , maybe a 35 vdc) #3= C4102 , 2.2 mfd ...100 vdc Use a GOOD ESR meter & value meter to check those caps.... C4108 straddles a 3.0 v zenner near Q4101.... Be SURE you get the cap polarity correct on ALL the caps , especially C4108..... If C4108 is bad replace with a 50 mfd at 50 vdc.... If C4104 is bad replace with a 15 mfd at 50 vdc...Do NOT sub !!!.. If C4102 is bad replace with a 2.2 mfd at 100 vdc...Do NOT sub !!!. IF either Q4401 OR Q4101 check shorted , you could have a serious problem on your hands..... SO , my suggestion would be to replace the IC (It's 99.96% bad) & ALL 3 caps IF Q4101 is NOT shorted.... The last time I checked , Q4101 was expensive & U4101 was pretty cheap..... .... Your call..... I don't know if you have a manual or not... BUT , I have a pix of the power supply below from one of my generic service manuals.... There are some differences in the voltages & some values (For example C4108 is shown as 39 mfd , the ORIGINAL value when most CTC169 chassis were made..), but it is very useful....
EDIT:.... After a 2nd cup of coffee & taking another look at my schematic above , I realized that Q4101 HAS to be GOOD since you have 160 vdc on C7 (C4107).... SORRY about that.... .... This should get you started.... If you need more , just post..... GOOD LUCK & have fun.... Later...Ron.M.... ..... Veteran & Retired TV technician
(This post was edited by Ron.M on May 7, 2010, 4:37 PM)