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Dead Sony KV-32TS36


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Feb 26, 2014, 12:46 AM

Post #76 of 198 (2074 views)
Re: [jts1957] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

jts: No, my scanning tunneling camerascope is on the fritz. The flux capacitor burned out when my brother in law spilled beer on it. Frown

Had a tough time getting these measurements. The probe wouldn't fit in the hole (that's what she- oh never mind.)

blue to red 1 ohm
brown to yellow 9 ohms (2 wires, same slot)
br/y to blue OL
br/y to red OL

red = 1/2
blue = 3/4
br/y are 5 and 6 although not necessarily in the order.


I frogit to mention that it looked fine except possibly for some suspicious stains on teh tape. Some of them look like mildew. Not sure what the rest are.

Here are the pix that turned out best. Not sure if they're what you wanted, but I can always take more. These are 3M but they're still pretty large.

This is the bottom side (you saw the top the other day).

Inside. They usually seem better without the flash.

Closeup of one of the stained bandages.

Closeup of some of the internal wire. This was the largest spot without any tape.

Btw Ron, I usually end up reading your last post of the day the next day because I go to bed so early on weekdays (also due to the timezone differences).

(This post was edited by CRT_Fan on Feb 26, 2014, 1:14 AM)


Feb 26, 2014, 8:30 PM

Post #77 of 198 (2064 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


THANKS for the GREAT pix !!!...
Sony or ?? causing a reddish cast on this pix ??

blue to red 1 ohm

I think that's a bit low..

I'm not too thrilled about the "spots" in this pix;=>...
I was looking more for a burn or tracks indicating damage...
Either way , those spots don't look good...
I'd suggest you try the eBay yoke;=>..
Make an offer of $35 to start & tell him his $10 fee for shipping is TOO high..
You & the seller (Miami, Florida) are both on the east coast so shipping should be lower..
He's had that yoke listed for some time now & you're his best chance to sell that yoke at present...

BEFORE you go off half cocked & get the yoke , please read the service manual pages 35-39 to see what you are in for to adjust the replacement yoke..
It will be tricky & at times frustrating..

Good Luck...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Feb 27, 2014, 12:23 AM

Post #78 of 198 (2057 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

>Sony or ?? causing a reddish cast on this pix ??

It's just the lighting/angle. The copper looks fine. I don't see anything wrong with it anywhere I can see.

The stains are suspicious but I'm not sure that they are all even covering/touching the wiring. I'd like to look under the bandages but they're brittle and may not survive. What are they there for?

You can also see two of them have rectangular outline stains and the two tapes on top at 12 oclock look like they're covering rectangular objects of some sort.

Regarding the adjustment procedure, I did a cursory look and it looks painful but not insurmountable. Does it require any special equipment to generate the test patterns? It looks like mostly all you do is move the circular magnets, the strips, and turn the tabbed rings until everything looks right. My biggest concern is the risk of getting electrocuted while trying to adjust it.

So I'll think about it. Whether or not the seller reduces his price will also factor into it.

Meanwhile, unless you have any other ideas, I'd like to do some other tests like leave it on for a few hours on the weekend w/o yoke to see if it blows up. Then I'll attach the yoke and see what happens. Replacing a few ICs is no big deal compared to adjusting the set so it's worth the risk.

Thanks Ron.


Feb 27, 2014, 10:10 PM

Post #79 of 198 (2046 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


Well , IF we can't figure out what it is , let's figure out what it aint !!!..

I have an idea how to solve this once & for all...

The stains are suspicious but I'm not sure that they are all even covering/touching the wiring. I'd like to look under the bandages but they're brittle and may not survive. What are they there for?

They (the bandages) appear to be there for insulation (?) purposes or to hold some of the wiring in place on the yoke...

Does it require any special equipment to generate the test patterns?

Yes , you'll need a "cross-hatch" generator...

It looks like mostly all you do is move the circular magnets, the strips, and turn the tabbed rings until everything looks right.

There's more to it , read the manual a bit closer...

My biggest concern is the risk of getting electrocuted while trying to adjust it.

Unless you stick you fingers where they don't belong , you should be OK...(Like under the HV cup on the CRT)...

I'd like to do some other tests like leave it on for a few hours on the weekend w/o yoke to see if it blows up. Then I'll attach the yoke and see what happens.

That's fine with me...
Post results when you're finished...

Meanwhile, unless you have any other ideas,

Here it is;=>...
IF we can't figure out what it is , let's figure out what it aint !!!..

There's doubt in my mind about the yoke...
My suggestion is to order the flyback from eBAy...;hash=item1c3a6af06d
Reason is IF that's NOT the problem , you can send it back & try for a FULL refund..
Make an offer of $35 to start...
Shipping is free from Hawaii !!..
Pay a bit more & get a refund from;...
IF the flyback doesn't fix it , then get the yoke if you still want to go thru the adjustment procedure..

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Feb 27, 2014, 11:31 PM

Post #80 of 198 (2044 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

The stains are suspicious but I'm not sure that they are all even covering/touching the wiring. I'd like to look under the bandages but they're brittle and may not survive. What are they there for?

Some look like they MAY have thin magnets under them for purity fine adjustment.

Location: Far, Far Away


Mar 1, 2014, 9:49 PM

Post #81 of 198 (2020 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Possible good news for a change!

I left it on for 4 hrs but it never blue up. The high-pitched squeal gave me a headache though. The HOT wasn't even very hot when I turned the set off.

Then I connected CN107 and turned it on. No pops or sparks but I assumed it immediately destroyed the HOT since I couldn't hear the noise anymore, but I checked and the fuse wasn't blown and the power transistors seem ok. HOT might be fine as well. 1 ohm b/e but it's got resistance from the collector.

What should I do now?


Mar 2, 2014, 1:02 AM

Post #82 of 198 (2016 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


I left it on for 4 hrs but it never blue up.

That's because it probably redded up!!!....Wink...

Remove the HOT transistor & check it out of the set...
I bet it's bad...
IF it is , give serious thought to getting the replacement flyback to try...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 2, 2014, 1:04 AM)


Mar 2, 2014, 2:47 AM

Post #83 of 198 (2000 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

B/E = E/B = 1 ohm
B/C = E/C = [bad numbers removed]
C/B = C/E = OL

B/E = E/B = 21
B/C ~= E/C ~= 2.48 M ohms [updated numbers]
C/B = C/E = OL

out diode

B/E = .023V E/B = .022V
B/C = .516V E/C = .526V
C/B = C/E = OL

Here are the original readings:


E/B 22.8 B/E 22.8
C/B OL B/C 2.551M
E/C 2.551M C/E OL


E/B 0.021V B/E 0.021V
C/B OL B/C 0.511V
E/C .521V C/E OL

2.5M vs 560 is huge, but I checked all the other new HOTs and they were all in the high 500s.

I checked the scraps of paper I write this stuff down on and the first readings were definitely done with a different DMM, one that I discovered is suspect for reading capacitance, btw. (I don't have it with me in case you're wondering.)
Update: I goofed. I had it in continuity mode.

So I think the HOT is probably good, unless it's supposed to make that squealing noise with the yoke connected.

I do want to be careful though.

(This post was edited by CRT_Fan on Mar 2, 2014, 9:07 PM)


Mar 2, 2014, 7:06 PM

Post #84 of 198 (1995 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


B/E = E/B = 1 ohm
B/C = E/C = 570
C/B = C/E = OL

B/E = E/B = 21
B/C = 545 ~= E/C = 563
C/B = C/E = OL

Are ALL those ^^ readings taken with your meter on ohms ???
And , what is this;=>..

B/E = .023V E/B = .022V
B/C = .516V E/C = .526V
C/B = C/E = OL

Conflicting info;=>...(From post #81)..

I left it on for 4 hrs but it never blue up. The high-pitched squeal gave me a headache though. The HOT wasn't even very hot when I turned the set off.
Then I connected CN107 and turned it on..

From post #83;=>...

So I think the HOT is probably good, unless it's supposed to make that squealing noise with the yoke connected.

You are saying you get the "squealing noise" both ways...
HUH !!!

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 2, 2014, 7:16 PM)


Mar 2, 2014, 8:24 PM

Post #85 of 198 (1986 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Morning Ron. Sorry I wasn't clear.

"in" is ohmage in-circuit.

"out" is ohmage out of circuit.

"out diode" is the measurements in diode mode.

I did not get the squealing with the yoke connected. Which initially made me think that it killed the HOT, but since the HOT seems good it leads me to believe that it's not supposed to squeal when the yoke is connected and everything might be working as it should (fingers crossed).

So: yoke disconnected = squealing, yoke connected = no squealing, or any other suspicious sounds really.

I only had it on for about 5 seconds, but I think this is a good sign. The first HOT death-by-yoke happened instantly. It's possible that the first HOT was bad (the second one was definitely crap) or there was some marginal soldering job that cleared up with all the work I've done since then. Or maybe it just needs to be on longer before it blows up again.

Should I put the HOT back in and run it with yoke connected for longer and longer periods, checking the HOT temperature each time? Or should we be more cautious? I'm fine either way.


Mar 2, 2014, 8:46 PM

Post #86 of 198 (1982 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


B/E = E/B = 21 <That one's OK...
B/C = 545 ~= E/C = 563<Not sure about this one ???
C/B = C/E = OL <That one's OK too

Have you got another new one to compare to ???

Should I put the HOT back in and run it with yoke connected for longer and longer periods, checking the HOT temperature each time?

Not till we determine the condition of this transistor first...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 2, 2014, 9:03 PM

Post #87 of 198 (1978 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

I figured out the problem. I took those measurements in continuity mode. Blush <- sheepish

In resistance mode it measure ~2.5M ohms. I'll go edit my previous post to get rid of those bad numbers.


Mar 2, 2014, 10:33 PM

Post #88 of 198 (1973 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


B/E = E/B = 21
B/C ~= E/C ~= 2.48 M ohms [updated numbers]
C/B = C/E = OL

Much better....Wink...

So I think the HOT is probably good,

So do I !!!..


Should I put the HOT back in and run it with yoke connected for longer and longer periods, checking the HOT temperature each time? Or should we be more cautious? I'm fine either way.

OK by me....
Start with 30 seconds , then 1 minute , 2 minutes etc , till either it blows or you smell smoke...
When you have everything hooked up , the 1st time you turn the TV on , put your bare forearm close to , but , not touching the CRT face & see if you feel any tingling...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Mar 2, 2014, 10:40 PM)


Mar 2, 2014, 11:40 PM

Post #89 of 198 (1960 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

So far so good. Went up to 5 minutes with nothing redded up yet.

I don't feel anything on the front of the CRT though, possibly because the C board is still unhooked? Or is it safe to attach it now?


Mar 3, 2014, 1:06 AM

Post #90 of 198 (1956 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


You should be doing this with ALL the boards wired up...
The yoke should be connected & back on the CRT...
The "C" board should be connected to the "M" board...
Basically , ALL connectors connected !!!
Leave the "C" board OFF the CRT...
Sometime while you are doing this , please go to pin 2 on the flyback & see if you are still getting the 130 vdc...

I'll be offline till Monday AM...
See ya then...
Have a GOOD evening...Sly..

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 3, 2014, 10:34 PM

Post #91 of 198 (1942 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Ron, the connectors are connected, I meant from the CRT itself.

+B on pin 2 is fine, but something's definitely wrong. I disconnected the yoke to see if the squeal returns but it didn't. The HOT seems okay resistance wise but I'm not getting any voltage on B or E.

It's like something besides the HOT got taken out when I connected CN107.


Mar 4, 2014, 1:08 AM

Post #92 of 198 (1934 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


The TV was OFF when you connected CN107 , right ???...

Read the OHMs from B & E to CHASSIS ground...
Turn the TV on & read dc volts at the band end of (+) D502 & the "-" end of D503....
IF "0.0" vdc , you are not getting H drive to the HOT...
Post results..

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 4, 2014, 1:36 AM

Post #93 of 198 (1931 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

> The TV was OFF when you connected CN107 , right ???...

Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? (kidding... there's no way I'd stick my fingers that close while it's on.)

B .7 ohms
E .2 ohms
D502 = .196V |<| 0V
D503 = 0V |<| -.001V

The previous readings were:

D502 12.05 |<| -0.038
D503 0.056 |<| -16.41


Mar 4, 2014, 3:23 AM

Post #94 of 198 (1924 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


Go to Q502 (H Driver transistor) & check collector & base voltages...

IF those readings are good , you either blew the HO Transistor or the flyback finally gave up the ghost !!!..

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 4, 2014, 3:44 AM

Post #95 of 198 (1920 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

B: .001V
C: +B

Note that I probably shorted E/C C/B a few times with the probe. Too close together. Unimpressed

'Night Ron...


Mar 4, 2014, 9:14 PM

Post #96 of 198 (1914 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


I don't know how far you want to go with this TV , but , we are at epic levels now...Crazy.....

Check connector CN116 on the "D" board & connector CN131 on the "M" board for proper fit & look for bad PC connections on the foil side of both boards...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 5, 2014, 1:04 AM

Post #97 of 198 (1906 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Nothing seems wrong with the connection. And looking at the schematics I see what you're getting at: the H Drive on pin 13 of the connector. I traced continuity from the M board connector to R521 (335 ohms in circuit).

But all that seems immaterial now. In the process of checking the connector / M board I reoriented and moved stuff around and for whatever reason the H drive seems to be back because I turned it on to check the H drive input but before I even got to that the HOT squeal came back.

Except it sounded different and changed after a few seconds and I started to detect a burning scent. I'm confused after exactly what happened because it was unexpected, but I turned it off and tried to tell where the smell came from.

I think it was the FBT and/or the HOT that burned.

The HOT seems damaged but not completely destroyed. I can't get consistent ohm readings but the C/B C/E are NOT OL anymore. I'm leery about turning it on again in case the HOT falls over completely and takes out the power supply (which tentatively seems okay).

Note that CN107 was not connected.

I think it's about time to order a new FBT, whaddaya say?


Mar 5, 2014, 1:32 AM

Post #98 of 198 (1895 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


In the process of checking the connector / M board I reoriented and moved stuff around and for whatever reason the H drive seems to be back

Sooner or later you're going to have to track that down & fix it...

after a few seconds and I started to detect a burning scent.

Try & sniff around the flyback..
Keep your nose away from the HOT (Q591)...
Sniff real close to the core of the flyback...
Check the transistor for any discoloration on the number on the transistor...

Remove Q591 & check it with OHMs !!!...

I think it's about time to order a new FBT, whaddaya say?

Coming soon !!!...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Mar 5, 2014, 2:08 AM

Post #99 of 198 (1891 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

> Sooner or later you're going to have to track that down & fix it...

I sure hope not... there's basically nothing between that resistor and a 64 pin IC. I'll try to do regular checks in that area though.

Q591 is good (!) ohmage wise. The solder pads are starting to come off from all this abuse Unsure

Can't smell anything anymore or see any outward signs of damage on anything.


Mar 5, 2014, 7:02 PM

Post #100 of 198 (1881 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


there's basically nothing between that resistor and a 64 pin IC.

On my schematic the H Drive comes from IC301 (Pin #37) which is a 48 pin IC...
That IC gets it's B+ (9 vdc) from the PS which could be where that problem is...
Oftentimes , it's due to the power transformer pins being/going bad...

The solder pads are starting to come off from all this abuse

We should be done with that...

I think it's about time to order a new FBT, whaddaya say?

I would consider doing just that...

It was on for an hour or two then POW!

Yokes don't do that !!!

It's your TV...
It's your money...
It's your call....

Veteran & Retired TV technician

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