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Dead Sony KV-32TS36


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Apr 3, 2014, 2:11 AM

Post #176 of 198 (1483 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Yoke should be very close but could be off by a millimeter or so.

Here's a pic of the splotch so you can see for yourself:

It could use some other adjustments as well. Examples:

The tapping thing is a good idea. I'll have to rig up a mirror. Maybe this weekend. Gotta get my taxes done soon... Mad


Apr 3, 2014, 9:32 PM

Post #177 of 198 (1475 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


Looks like the yoke is NOT EXACTLY where it was before it was removed...
Did you happen to move the yoke rings/tabs ???
You apparently have more than one thing outta kilter...
Read but do NOT try ANY of the adjustments on pages 35 thru 39 in the service manual...
Try to not have a stroke when you read that ...Wink...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Apr 3, 2014, 10:14 PM

Post #178 of 198 (1472 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


The rings have epoxy on them and the lines I drew on them look the same so I'm confident they haven't changed. Beam Landing and Dynamic Convergence Adjustment appear to be the most likely things I would have screwed up when I put the yoke back on. Focus could also be different due to the new FBT.

Beam landing looks like moving the yoke back and forth but I don't understand how to move the yoke up/down/left/right for Dynamic Convergence Adjustment.

How dangerous is it to fiddle with the yoke when power is applied? What's going to happen if I accidentally touch the exposed copper or wire contacts?

I've got a test pattern DVD I downloaded and burned to a disc.

Coincidentally I regularly the check teh classifieds and today I saw an o'scope for sale locally ($make offer). Is this model usable for TV diagnostics? How much do you think I should offer for it?

I don't think an o'scope is necessary for the adjustments on 35-39 but it might be useful to have.


Apr 3, 2014, 11:03 PM

Post #179 of 198 (1468 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


Focus could also be different due to the new FBT.

Focus will only give you a clear pix..
Has NOTHING to do with convergence or purity...
Adjust it as needed...
Also , try adjusting the "H" Stat on the CRT module...
That will have an effect on convergence...
I don't think it will fix much , but , it's worth trying..

How dangerous is it to fiddle with the yoke when power is applied? What's going to happen if I accidentally touch the exposed copper or wire contacts?

For what needs to be done , I'd STRONGLY recommend you call OR take the TV to a reliable , trustworthy & honest TV repair shop...
With your lack of experience you could make matters worse or , worse yet , hurt yourself...

The scope looks like a good decent scope...
This one , however is discontinued !!!..
WHY would you want/need one ???...

Sorry about the bad news....Unsure...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Apr 3, 2014, 11:39 PM

Post #180 of 198 (1465 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

>I'd STRONGLY recommend you call OR take the TV to a reliable , trustworthy & honest TV repair shop...

There's really only one game in town and they want $75 just to take a look at your set so that's not a viable option, from my perspective. I'm not spending $100+ just to adjust it. I guess I'll just fiddle with the yoke while it's turned off and see if I can improve things. There's a good chance it's just slightly off from when I put it back on. It wouldn't hurt to try adding some kitchen magnets too. Worst case I can live with it as it is, although the splotch does bothers me.

I presume it's safe to do the HSTAT / magnets while it's running. How long would you suggest letting it dischage before moving the yoke?

>WHY would you want/need one ???...

I'm thinking it might come in handy for checking the AC signals in this/other sets for one thing, although it only goes up to 800Vpp so maybe not? And I do other electronic repairs/projects that it could be useful for. Every techy should have a scope. I don't really know how to value this used one though. They didn't post pics so I don't know if it's rough shape or not. If I'm going to spend a lot of money on a scope I'd at least want it to be usable for testing CRTs. So that's why I asked.


Apr 4, 2014, 6:08 PM

Post #181 of 198 (1457 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


1st off , "kitchen magnets are NOT the answer....
You will just be adjusting for one area & simultaneously throwing another area off kilter...Unsure...

I guess I'll just fiddle with the yoke while it's turned off and see if I can improve things.

Been there , done that...
Never could get it right...
You need to SEE what you are adjusting...

I presume it's safe to do the HSTAT / magnets while it's running.

Just touch the knob/shaft only...

How long would you suggest letting it dischage before moving the yoke?

The yoke does NOT hold a charge ...

The scope that is shown is not available & discontinued !!!

Let's try some tinkering with the yoke & see what developes ...Angelic...

For this prolem;...
Loosen the yoke clamp & try carefully , slowly sliding it back & forth a little at a time to see if the splotch goes away or gets worse...
Do this WITH the TV on & use care where you grab the yoke...
STAY AWAY from ALL the wiring on the yoke...
Get it as best you can & tighten the clamp..
Post results BEFORE you procede..

In the service manual on page 39 , look for item #4..
There are 4 tabs that adjust convergence in the corners...
Look for tabs "A" , "B" , "C" & "D", on the yoke...
Each one of those tabs slide in & out of the side of the yoke...
Each one is for a specific corner...
Adjust ONLY the tab for the corner that is out of convergence & LEAVE the others ALONE !!!

For this one;=>..
Try tab "A"...

For this one;=>..
Try tab "C"...

Have no idea where this one is;=>...

Under NO circumstances go into the "Factory Service Mode !!!...
Those adjustments are for QUALIFIED TV techs ONLY !!!

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Apr 4, 2014, 10:10 PM

Post #182 of 198 (1450 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Putting on my rubber gloves, I fiddled with the yoke and discovered that moving it away from the CRT causing more red splotching up and down the left side and green splotching on the right side. Moving it forward seems to help. I reduced the red splotch partially. I suspect I might be able to eliminate it completely if I move the wedges so I can push the yoke forward a bit more.

>The scope that is shown is not available & discontinued !!!

There is a used one of the same model in my local classified ads. That's a very rare opportunity around here.

>Under NO circumstances go into the "Factory Service Mode !!!...

I wouldn't mess around with 99% of those settings, but I WAS planning to adjust the VPOS after everything else is finished. The top of the picture is cut off a bit and there are blank lines at the bottom. Surely that's okay to do, right?


Apr 4, 2014, 10:34 PM

Post #183 of 198 (1442 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Do you have a degausing coil? Try that as a first option.


Apr 4, 2014, 10:52 PM

Post #184 of 198 (1437 views)
Re: [mel] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


From post 174;=>...

There's a discolored splotch in the upperleft corner. It's most noticable in the DVD loading background which is blue. The splotch appears red in that case. I hooked up the DGC but it didn't eliminate it.

Unless the degaussing coil in the TV is not working , that'd be a good idea...
But , I think it is...

THANKS for the input....Smile....

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Apr 4, 2014, 10:52 PM

Post #185 of 198 (1436 views)
Re: [mel] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Yes I hooked up the DGC connector and it's been powered on several times since then but it didn't fix it.


Apr 4, 2014, 11:05 PM

Post #186 of 198 (1435 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


I wouldn't mess around with 99% of those settings, but I WAS planning to adjust the VPOS after everything else is finished. The top of the picture is cut off a bit and there are blank lines at the bottom. Surely that's okay to do, right?

Do not go there till you are done messing with the adjustments I gave you...
While you do those , do you have the crosshatch onscreen ???
Sliding the yoke back & forth will affect the convergence...

VPOS , maybe not be the right one to adjust...
That one just shifts the vertical pix up & down..
We'll have to see what you have when you finish the previous adjustments...

mel brings uo a good question...
Take a look at where the degausing coil on the TV plugs in...
Look for THP601 & see if it's there & NOT damaged...
It may be the size of a nickel & twice as thick...
Or it may be a black cubelike thing sitting between the connector (CN113) & a relay...

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Apr 4, 2014, 11:12 PM)


Apr 4, 2014, 11:51 PM

Post #187 of 198 (1428 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

It is black and cubelike. Looks undamaged along with its solder joints. Plus I can hear it degaussing itself when I turn it on, although I don't know for sure.

>do you have the crosshatch onscreen ???

No, I can't see the splotch against the black background. I did check the crosshatch and it seems about the same as before I moved the yoke around.

If there are no objections, I'm going to try moving the wedges. I think I've got a feel for how sensitive the yoke is now. After that I'll give those convergence adjustments a go.


Apr 5, 2014, 12:23 AM

Post #188 of 198 (1423 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


OK , by me....Smile...

Stay outta the factory menu for now...

Good Luck....Smile...

Post results when you have a chance...

Offline till Sat AM....Unsure...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Apr 5, 2014, 2:40 AM

Post #189 of 198 (1418 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

No luck on the splotch.

Tweaked HSTAT and Focus a bit.

Kitchen magnets had no discernable efffect on convergence or splotch whatsoever. I tried bringing a rare earth magnet near the screen and the splotch diminished the closer it got but reappeared when I took it away. This was several feet away. It's probably a very bad idea to bring something that powerful right up to the screen so I'm not going to risk it.

I fiddled around with the permalloy strip corresponding to the worst corner and got some interesting results. It's like the blue gun was moving along with the strip but not red or green. Maybe you guys can make something of that.

The current status is that the horizontal convergence is very good but vertical convergence is still bad in three of the corners and the center-top.

By vertical convergence I mean of course that the horizontal lines are frayed, as you saw in the previous pictures. The vertical lines look pretty good now.

(This post was edited by CRT_Fan on Apr 5, 2014, 2:46 AM)


Apr 5, 2014, 9:00 PM

Post #190 of 198 (1407 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


As for the splotch , you may have to live with that ...Unsure..

Try this;...
Take a look at page 35 in the manual...
Look for the "Purity Control" on the yoke...
Should be the top 2 tabs...
Be sure that you have ALL the rings marked...
I know you said that those rings have some epoxy on them...
However , I've seen in the past where the epoxy has lost it's grip..
Try gently , but firmly , to move those rings..
IF they move , see if you get an effect on the red splotch...

For the corners ...
See if the disc magnets (Page 35 , a , b , c , & d) that were on the CRT are STILL there ...

Is the pix converged OK in the center area...
By that I mean MOST of the pix is OK ???...

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Apr 5, 2014, 10:00 PM

Post #191 of 198 (1401 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

I can wiggle the rings slightly, but it didn't affect the splotch. I may have to live with that. Wink Once the parts come in and I put everything back together I'm probably going to settle with whatever state it's in adjustment wise.

Only two disc magnets are there and they are on the non-splotch side. There are NO magnets on the splotch side, which is also the side with the worst convergence. I looked around the interior with a flashlight but no sign of any magnets. The two existing magnets are glued down pretty firmly.

>Is the pix converged OK in the center area...
>By that I mean MOST of the pix is OK ???...

Yeah, it's looking good except for the spots I mentioned. Looking at that test pattern, the only convergence problems are on the very bottom line and the top two lines (i.e. the top row of square hashes). And it's mostly vertical converge problems--horizontal is acceptable pretty much all round.


Apr 5, 2014, 10:22 PM

Post #192 of 198 (1400 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


The missing magnets may be why the convergence is out in those corners...
Do you see any spots on the CRT where there may have been magnets attached ???

Once the parts come in and I put everything back together I'm probably going to settle with whatever state it's in adjustment wise.

What parts ???

Veteran & Retired TV technician

(This post was edited by Ron.M on Apr 5, 2014, 10:24 PM)


Apr 5, 2014, 10:37 PM

Post #193 of 198 (1395 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

No sign of missing magnets, but I've disturbed/wiped teh dust in places where they could have been. I really cleaned up the area around the permalloy strip I adjusted so it would slide better. Unsure

I'll buy some magnets if you can help me locate some, preferably puchasable with PayPal. The two remaining ones are about 9-10mm in diameter and they sit on yellow square pads that are about 12mm in length/width.

>What parts ???

The parts for the D board. FPRDs, caps, diode, etc.


Apr 6, 2014, 12:03 AM

Post #194 of 198 (1392 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


I really think it would be a waste of time , effort & money to get the disc magnets...
IF they are EVEN available !!!..
After all , your TV was made in 1993 or thereabouts...
They are specially magnetized on the edges...
Then you have to find the exact spot & turn them 360 degrees while you move them around...
Then quick glue them in place...

On page 81 of the PDF reader or page 102 of the service manual , there are 2 magnets shown...
Item #75 & 76..
Your call....

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Apr 6, 2014, 3:09 AM

Post #195 of 198 (1385 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Bought the -94 ones for cheap!


Apr 6, 2014, 5:23 PM

Post #196 of 198 (1373 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post


WOW , I'm in shock !!!

WHERE did you find them ???...
Do they look like the 2 that are in your set ???

Veteran & Retired TV technician


Apr 6, 2014, 11:06 PM

Post #197 of 198 (1367 views)
Re: [Ron.M] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

Would you believe ebay? Wink

I bought the rotatable kind (#76, 1-452-094-00) which is different from the two in my set (#75) but those were the only ones I could find on ebay. Don't know if that's a potential problem or not, but hey, five bucks.


Apr 14, 2014, 11:42 PM

Post #198 of 198 (1328 views)
Re: [CRT_Fan] Dead Sony KV-32TS36 [In reply to] Can't Post

How about one more post to tie up a few loose ends?

The magnets did not have much effect on convergence (seemed to affect geometry more) but did get rid of the splotching, so that's good. I think I can live with the converge issues in the corners.

Even after replacing the diode, caps, etc. the voltage on the +15V rail was still about 12.

Thanks again for all your help Ron. It was a long hard slog, but we finally made it (fingers crossed!)

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